The Crimson Tyrant: Part 6

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*Ciel's POV*

I ran outside to the courtyard after I noticed that break was almost over and the three are not back yet. Once I got outside, I saw that Deuce and Ace were standing near a cauldron that Deuce summoned most likely. As I got closer to them, I began to hear Grim complaining and yelling at the two. I looked to see that Grim was under the cauldron as I had a shadow covering my eye as I walk towards him. I grab him from under the cauldron as he began to squirm in my arms but I held onto him tightly.

"Mrrah! I've had it with these boring classes!" Grim complains

"Then you'll never become a great mage!" I scolded Grim

"UGH! When did you get all bossy?" Grim questioned

I look at him with a dark look, which made the three freeze up as Ace and Deuce backed up as Grim gulped. He knew that I wasn't gonna have it this time and knew that he was in trouble the moment he saw my expression. I was tired of him running off to get an out for something that he needs to do, even though it's his second time. That's what got us in trouble in the first place and I don't plan to let that happen again. So whether Grim likes it or not, he will go to those classes even if it means I have to drag him there.

"Since you decided to run off again. The last thing I want is for us to get in trouble again, so don't you dare pull this stunt again, understand!" I stated as Grim nods while being quiet.

Once I calmed down, we went to our next class as Grim stayed silent in my arms and didn't try to escape. I know that I was being harsh on him, but there are times when you need to be harsh to get your point across. Though, I will make it up to him later for scaring him but not right now since I don't want to spoil him. After class, we made our way to the cafeteria for lunch because we have more classes after it. This seem to make Grim happy as he told me to get there faster and complains that he's hungry.

"Wooo! Lunchtime at last!" Grim cheered as we look around and saw that there were other students present.

"Whoa! *drool* They got some good-lookin' grub!" Grim said while drooling, can't blame him especially with all the food in front of us.

"Ooh, a buffet. That's fancy." I said

"Look how fluffy those omelets are! Ooh, grilled chicken! And a bacon-and-egg tart!" Grim yelled as Ace quickly quiet him.

"Shh! Dude, inside voices! Where was this energy earlier today?" Ace said with a sigh

"Maybe when it comes to food, all of his energy comes out." I suggested as I grabbed a tray

"Ciel, grab me the grilled chicken! There's only one left! And an omelet too. And that jelly-filled bread. Just fill your whole tray with 'em!" Grim cheered

"Grim, calm down, I need to get my own food too." I said with a chuckle as I was getting my food and Grim's food.

As Grim was flying ahead of me, I noticed that he was about to bump into someone, which wasn't a good thing. Because that person doesn't look friendly at all and that could be a ticket to trouble for us.

"Grim, looked out!" I shouted at him as he bumps into someone

"Ow!" Grim gasped out as I looked to see the person that he ran into was a Delinquent from what Deuce told me.

"Hey! Watch where you're goin'! M-my carbonara! You broke the yolk!" Delinquent A said as he was looking at his food.

"Whoa, that's messed up! Pokin' the egg is the best part! You better make this right, pal!" Delinquent B said to Grim

"I'm gonna need that grilled chicken of yours as compensation." Delinquent A said as he pointed at my tray.

'How did he know that the chicken belong to Grim and not me?' I thought to myself

"Myah?! No way! Hands off the bird, chump! I need my protein, because I am HUNGRY!" Grim stated as I just wanted to facepalm

"Hey! That's no way to speak to an upperclassman! Catch me outside and I'll teach you some respect!" Delinquent B said

"Um, excuse me, sir, but it said in the handbook that fighting with magic was prohibited..." Deuce stated

"Fighting? You got it all wrong. This is just me helpin' an ignorant freshman know his place." Delinquent A said with a smirk

"Now, let's see just how many ways there are to skin a cat, heh!" Delinquent B said with a smirk which made me freeze for a moment.

'Oh this bloody bastard is gonna get it know... No one tries to hurt my student and gets away with it...'

My expression becomes dark as I place down my tray and grabbed an empty tray before slamming it into his face. Deuce and Grim then began to use their magic to fight back against Delinquent A as he began to use his magic. While Ace used hand to hand combat against another Delinquent that decided to show up to help. Delinquent B tried to punch me as I used my smaller stature to quickly move out of the way and tripped him into the table. We continued to fight back until the three delinquents were on the ground tired as we looked at them.

Me and the others were panting after the fight but weren't hurt since we all knew how to dodge very well. Well, I used my short stature to avoid the hits, who knew that being short would have some benefits in a fight.

'Hopefully, they'll leave us alone now...'

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