The Crimson Tyrant: Part 25

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*Ciel's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes to a black/white monochrome world in a room I didn't recognize at all but felt it was familiar. He rubbed his eyes and wondered. The room was immaculate and tidy, extremely so. Books organized in a cabinet and on a small wooden table, based on the titles, I can tell there for lessons. The decorations in the room were limited as I continued to look around before I saw a child sitting in a chair. I walked towards the child with confusion, but once I was close enough, my eyes widen in surprise.

"Riddle? Is that you?" I asked softly but it seems he didn't hear me as I saw a door open.

I turned around and saw a tall elegant woman with her hair put up walked into the room with grace and poise. I was able to deduce that this women was Riddle's mother thanks to her hair color. But for some odd reason, I already don't like her as her aura gave me feelings of disgust and anger as she was walking towards Riddle. His mother had a pleasant smile as she set down a dish with cake on it in front of Riddle. It was very odd-looking for a cake to say the least as it had a number 8 candle on top.

"Why does the cake look like that? I'm pretty sure cakes don't look like that." I said to myself in confusion

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle. This year's birthday cake is a low-sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function." Riddle's mother explained as I was taken aback.

'Could this be what Trey was talking about?  Sure eating too many sweets is a bad thing but isn't eating sweets on you birthday an exception? I feel like she trying to make him smart by giving him certain food.' I thought as I was even more confused

"Thank you. But, Mom... Just once, I'd like to try one of those tarts covered with bright-red strawberries..." Riddle pleaded as his mother shakes her head.
"Absolutely not! Those tarts are monstrously unhealthy. I might as well feed you poison! Even just a single slice would exceed your recommended daily intake of sugar. Now, dinner tonight will be a tuna sauté rich in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. Now that you're eight, your caloric intake should be 600 kilocalories per meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams of it. Understood?" She explained as Riddle nods while I stare at her.

"Yes, Mom." I shake my head

'This is not healthy for him at all. I get she's a doctor but this is not right.' I watched that I was in a monochrome void.

"Riddle... Why did you have to live like this..." I muttered as I saw Riddle walking past me wearing his dorm uniform while stepping slowly.

"I'd always wanted to try one of those tarts with the bright-red strawberries. The local cake shop had them in the window. They shined at me like forbidden jewels." Riddle explained

"Considering what you were being feed, I couldn't blame you." I said to him while gagging at the strange sorry excuse of a cake.

I watched as the scene faded back to the room, this time with a desk near a window looking out into the front yard of the house. A towering bookcase stood to the right side of the room and what seemed to be a globe to the left. Books littered the desk as a child Riddle sat in his chair writing while reading a book. Then after a couple of minutes later, Riddle's mother takes the book from him as he looked at her.
"That's enough classical magic study for today. Your homework is to read the first fifty pages of the philosophy of language book referenced in today's magical philosophy texts." Riddle's mother informs him

"He's only eight years old women! Why the bloody hell are you making him read this?!" I said as I growl at the women as she spoke.

"You may now have one hour of independent study before your potionology lesson."

"Thank you, Mother." I looked at the child like he was crazy

"Why are you thanking this wretched women?! She just trying to use you as her tool to increase her achievements!" I question him as I wanted to grab him and pull him from the room to be away from his mother.

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