The Crimson Tyrant: Part 26

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*Ciel's POV*

I began to open my eye as I sat up before freezing when I saw the sight in front of me as a aftermath of the fight. I saw that the grounds of the maze was completely torn apart and hedges were ripped from the ground. The rose bushes were laying on the ground as some were decayed while the rest looks like they were following suit. I was very shock before I heard footsteps behind me as I turned my head to see Ace, Deuce, and Grim running towards me. They had a worried look on their face as Grim hugged me tightly.

"Ciel! Thank god your okay! You had us worried!" Deuce said in relief as Ace nods in agreement.

"After you got pulled into that puddle with Riddle, we didn't know what to do! But after a couple of minutes We saw you and Riddle appear on the ground unconscious after that ball of light disappeared." Ace explained

"I'm so glad you're awake! I thought you wouldn't wake up!" Grim cried as I held him close before looking at the two.

"Sorry for worrying you three... By the way, are you three okay?" I asked as they nod

"We'll answered that after this." Ace said as he flicks my forehead.


"That's for scaring us! But to answer your question, we are." Ace with a grin as Deuce looks at me with concern

"Don't pull that stunt again, okay?"

"I can't make a promise I can't keep." I said

I stand up, Grim got off of me, while wincing as Ace and Deuce helped me get up on my feet so I don't accidently fall down. My body was very sore as my chest was hurting a little due to running around as a distraction for awhile. But I pushed those thoughts to the side as I needed to make sure Riddle was okay. I made my way towards him as I saw his body move a bit, indicating he was beginning to wake up.

"Gah!" Riddle cried out in shock as he sat up.

"He's back!" Ace said in relief as Cater smiles at me and Riddle

"Well, it's about time... We were just about losin' our heads here - figure of speech, sorry - 'cause we thought you might never wake up!" Cater said in relief as he pets my head and puts his hand on Riddle's shoulder.

"How are you feeling, Riddle?" I asked in concern as he looks around in shock

"*gasp*...*gasp*... What in the world happened...?" Riddle asked in confusion as Crowley walked up to us

"Ah, Mr. Rosehearts and Mr. Phantomhive appears to have regained consciousness. Excellent." Crowley said in relief as Riddle looked confused, which I couldn't blame him.

"Don't worry, Riddle. Just try to rest." Trey said to him as I nod

'After what just happened, his body must be pretty sore and drained from the fight. So, resting isn't a bad thing.' I thought to myself

"Yo, that's just the sort of coddling that led to him going nuts in the first place! Now the garden is tore up from the floor up, not to mention that we could've died!" Ace stated to Trey

"He's right. It was looking bad for a while there." Deuce stated with seriousness

"For cryin' out loud. When you humans let that stress build up, the results sure ain't pretty." Grim said to Riddle as I nod

"It's because we are afraid to let others in to help or find ways to get rid of it, I would understand, it happened to me before." I said as I remember times when I felt stressed or locked others out but I don't remember what I was doing during those times.

"The truth is, I... I really wanted to eat the chestnut tart." Riddle said truthfully

"Huh?" Ace questioned with a wide eyes, same with Deuce.

"And I don't care if the roses are white, or the flamingos are pink. And I prefer honey to sugar cubes in my tea, and I like milk tea better than lemon tea anyhow. And after a meal, I want to be the one sitting around talking with everyone..." Riddle said as tears began to form as I kneel down.

"Riddle...?" Trey questioned

"And I really wanted to play with you and Che'nya more, Trey.*Sniff*...*Sniff*... WAAAAAAAH!" Riddle said as he began to cry, I quickly hugged him as I rubbed his head.

"Riddle Roeharts, in tears... Hashtag #WOW." Cater said in surprise as I just shot him a blank look

"Really?" Cater just shrug while looking away

"You think a few crocodile tears is all it'll take for me to forgive you?" Ace said with a huff as Deuce put a hand on his shoulder.

"Give the guy a break, Ace." Deuce said 

"Ace, I know you're still mad at him but please back off a little." I said with a stern look at him  which made him back up a little.

"I'm sorry, Riddle. I knew you were suffering, and all I did was pretend not to notice." Trey apologized as he puts his hand on his shoulder.

"*sob*" I continued to hug him as I began to wipe away his tears.

"It's okay... Let it all out, Riddle." I said to him with a small smile

"So I'm gonna say what I should have said earlier. Your way of doing things was wrong, and you owe everyone an apology." Trey suggested to him with guilt for not saying something sooner.

"*sniff*...*sniff*... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." Riddle apologized to us as he held onto me like his life depended on it.

"I know I've been saying I wanted an apology from Riddle, but now that I got one, y'know what One stupid "I'm sorry" doesn't even come close to making up for what he did!" Ace stated as we were all taken aback by his words

"DUDE! Way to be a capital- J Jerk!" Cater stated

"And... You killed the mood... Thanks, Ace." I said as he looked fluster a bit before regaining composure.

"And proud of it! Have you forgotten how he made a total fool outta me?! Have you forgotten how he just threw away that chestnut tart we worked so hard on?! That ain't something you can make go away with a few tears and a flimsy 'I'm sorry'!"

"Well, to be far it was your own fault to begin with. But I can understand, it will take more than words to fix what was done." I said as he gave me unamused look as I gave shrug.

"Wow. I ain't never met anyone who was batter at holdin' grudges than I am." Grim stated in shock as I shake my head.

"Oh Grim... Your in for a fun ride." I said softly

"Then... Then what do you want me to do?!" Riddle asked quietly as Ace began thinking, after a bit, he spoke.

"You know... I don't got a birthday coming up anytime soon." Ace stated as we looked at him in confusion.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Deuce questioned

"So I demand a do-over for the unbirthday party! Except this time, we ain't gotta do squat. This time, YOU'RE the one who brings the tart! And no getting Trey to make it for you! Do that, and then things are square between us." Ace explains to him

"Just admit you want a tart." I said in a teasing tone as I rolled my eye as Ace tried to silence me as he tried to cover his reasonings.

"Quiet from the peanut gallery! What do you say, Riddle? We clear?" Ace asked as Riddle thought for a moment before nodding

"Yes... We're clear." Riddle said 

"Ah, yes. Compromise is a beautiful thing. I believe that concludes this matter." Crowley said with a smile

I continue to hold Riddle in my arms as I felt his tears began to slow down as I had a faint smile on my face. We stopped him and saved him from himself, now Riddle has the chance to be more open with others and live by the rules he makes. I look down at him as a couple of tears leaves my eye.

'I'm glad your safe, Riddle'

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