The Crimson Tyrant: Part 13

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*Ciel's POV*

We looked at the two delinquents as they slowly got up while being in pain from the bruises that was on their faces. Deuce had his fist in his other hand as he continued to glare at the two in anger and annoyance. The two cowered in fear with from it as me and Grim stood behind Deuce as to not get in his way. After all, he defiantly doesn't want to be bothered at the moment as he was still in a foul mood. Though, I was concerned about him as I had feeling that this was something that Deuce didn't want me and Grim to see. 

"This guy's outta his mind!" Delinquent A said in fear

"Bwah! L-let's get outta here!" Delinquent B said, scared as well

The two then ran away from us as we watched them leave, but despite this, Deuce continued to glare at them. I place my hand his shoulder to prevent him from going after them and doing more damage than he already did.

"Net time you eat an egg, you better apologize a hundred times, you buncha chumps!" Deuce yelled out to them

"D-deep breaths!" I told him as he did

"Whoooooa..." Grim said while feeling fear

"*Pant* *Pant*... Urk!" Deuce gasped out in shock after he came to his senses.

"What's wrong!" Grim asked in shock

"Deuce, are you alright!" I asked in concern

"I did it again, didn't I...? ARGH! I was dead-set on becoming an honor student this time, too!" Deuce cried out in frustration

"Huh?" Grim questioned

"Again? What do you mean?" I asked him

"When I was in middle school, I was pretty wild. I cut school all the time and got in fights. I called my teachers names, hung out with bullies, bleached my hair... I blasted around tight curves on my Magic Wheel... I'd show off my magic to kids who couldn't use it yet... I was a total punk." Deuce explained while having his back turned to us.

"So you were only a little more annoying than you are now?" Grim questioned

"That's hard for me to picture." I said as I can't imagine Deuce with dyed hair or that attitude.

"But one night, I saw my mom talking on the phone to my grandma. She was trying to hide from me, but I saw her, and I could tell she was in tears. She was saying how she must have been a horrible mom, and that maybe she never should have tried to raise me by herself." Deuce informed as I noticed he was shaking.

"That had nothin' to do with it! She hadn't done anything wrong. It was all me. When the carriage came to take me to Night Raven College, she was so happy for me. I decided then and there that this time, I wouldn't do anything to make her cry. This time, I'd become an honor student - someone she could be proud of. And I already messed it all up!" Deuce yelled in frustration

"I mean, did ya, though? Is putting up with jerks what honor students do?" Grim asked

"Huh...?" Deuce turned to see us smiling at him

"Even I, Grim the Magnanimous, was ready to pound those losers into tuna paste! You just got to 'em first." Grim said as I nod

"Yeah, Grim's right!" I said as I began to pick up a bag that was placed onto the ground.

"Plus, I'm pretty sure that I have done things I'm not proud of... Deep in my heart tells me that I wished for things to be different back home. But that's why we must use those mistakes to make sure it doesn't happen again or to help us in our life." I explained to Deuce with a smile

"You guys..." Deuce trailed off as I handed him the bag

"Even honor students get angry sometimes." I said with a smile

"Heh heh... I guess you're right! I just hope those chicks can rest in peace." Deuse said with a small smile as he took the bag as I flinch


"Those eggs weren't the type that hatch." I said because I remembered that small fact

"Wha- WHAAAAAT?! Are you kidding me?!" Deuce cried out as I flinch even more

'Oh no... I think I just broke him...' I sweatdrop

We quickly went back to the shop to get more eggs as I had to explain to Sam why we needed more eggs, which he was very understanding. Grim was explaining to Deuce, with my help, about the eggs but all it did was make Deuce's crisis worse. We made our way back to the dorm with no trouble this time as we walked in silence. Once we were there, I checked to see if Deuce was back with us, which he was not. I sigh as I open the door as we made it back to the kitchen to see Ace and Trey waiting with a smile.

"Ah, you're finally back! Took ya long enough." Ace said to us as we placed the bags onto the counter

"Sorry, we had something came up to deal with." I said with an awkward smile as Trey nods in understanding.

"Let's get this tart-y started!" Trey said

Trey had me help him with making the cream for the tart as the others were still pretty tired so I couldn't refuse. Which didn't take to long as we brought over some bowls of cream that will be put on the tart. We placed the bowls on the counter as we each had our own bowls so we can use in turns for the tart.

"The last part is to put the chestnut cream we made on the tart." Trey informed us as he placed down a couple of bowls filled with cream.

"And then we can chow down, right?! Consider me PUMPED!" Grim cheered

"Just make sure you don't mess up." I teased him as he let's out a small growl

"Same here. Time to go and bang out this tart!" Ace exclaims

"Good to see your eyes're on the prize. Let's keep this momentum going!" Trey announce

"Yeah!" Me, Grim, and Ace said as I gave Deuce a concerned look

We began each take turn with putting cream on the tart to avoid accidently hitting each other with the cream. Me and Ace had to put the cream on the tart the normal while the others used their magic. Though, Deuce still seems out of it as he continued to mutter to himself but it didn't seem to affect his magic. Which was a good thing, though I noticed that Ace was looking at Deuce in confusion. I just gave an awkward smile as I didn't know what to tell Ace about what happened.

"Myah ha ha! This couldn't be any easier." Grim said as he was licking one of the bowls that was near empty.

"Good to hear. Keep it up." Trey said

"Heh. You can't go wrong with future archmage Grim on the case!" Grim boosted

"Pride comes before a fall, y'know." Ace informs Grim

"Eggs... don't become chicks?" I wince as I look at Deuce

"What is your malfunction, Deuce?!" Ace questioned

"I'll tell you what's wrong with him later." I said with an awkward smile

We then resumed to putting the cream on the tart as Ace nodded at my words but gave me a look that said 'You better.' I made sure to snap Deuce out of his crisis so he can focus on using his magic to avoid him making a mistake. After all, the last thing we want is for us to mess up and have to start all over again. Which none of us wanted to happen as we don't know when or will Riddle show up. After a while, we finally finish putting cream on the tart as we admired our hard work.

"That'll do it, Perfect!" Ace said with a smirk

"Myum! That looks amazing!" Grim said

"But it's missing the most important thing." I said as Trey nods

"Once we stick the marrons glaces on top, we're all done." Trey informs us

"Oooh! Mememe! Lemme do it!" Grim begged as I chuckle

"You better not screw this up at the last possible moment." Ace teased him

"Relax. I got this! BAM!" Grim said as he perfectly placed the marrons on the tart.

"Mya ha ha! One flawless chestnut tart, courtesy of Grim, master chef!" Grim said as we all smile

'This has to work... Or this was all for nothing.'

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