The Crimson Tyrant: Part 7

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*Ciel's POV*

"Whoa, didn't know you had that in you..." Delinquent A said in shock

"Look, I'm gonna let you off the hook this time, but only 'cuz I don't want my pasta gettin' cold." Delinquent B said in a panic

The three got up and left with their food as they rather not eat cold food than deal with getting beat to the ground again. But then again, they probably want to keep what little pride that they have that we didn't break. However, that didn't matter to me at all, what did was that we showed that we weren't going to let them step all over us. I aloud myself to relax and moved towards the table to grab my tray of food. Grim began to laugh out loud despite what the second delinquent said about skinning a cat earlier.

"Pffft! I knew you were all talk! You better hope I never see you again!" Grim called out with a smirk as I grabbed my tray.

"I guess this is my life now. *Sigh*" I said with a sigh

'Better get used to this, whether I like it or not... It will be filled with craziness until I go back home.'

"Can we just get some lunch already? I missed breakfast, and I'm about to collapse." Ace groans

"*Sigh* I can't believe this. Textbook bullies at academy that's supposed to be famous for producing exceptional mages..." Deuce said

After that whole fight, Deuce, Ace, and I went and got our food, which is different from one another since we have different taste. Somehow, Grim's food was still warm which made me question just how long we were fighting the delinquents for exactly. But I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as we walked towards a table and sat down. I had gotten a salad with some white chicken, which was cut into pieces, some tea and a slice of chocolate cake. I handed Grim his food as he began to eat it since the fight made him hungry.

"Aw, get over it already. It's time to chow like the wind! *munch* *munch*" Grim stated in bliss as he began to eat his food.

"This omelet is as fluffy as a cloud, and practically burstin' with cheese! *munch* *munch* So, I saw your guys' dorm, but what are the other ones like?" Grim asked with his mouth full

"Grim, don't speak with your mouth full. But I'm also curious about what the other dorms looks like?" I said before taking a bite into the salad

"I'm sure you're familiar with the statues of the Great Seven? Night Raven College has a dorm themed after each one." Cater informed us

We turned around to see that it was Cater walking towards us with a smile, but this time, he wasn't alone. There was a tall boy with green hair and glasses on his face, he had a clover symbol on near his eye. He was wearing a Heartslabyul uniform like Ace, Deuce, and Cater were wearing. Based on his posture, I could tell that he was an upperclassman compared to me and the others. Maybe he was a junior like Cater, it would explain why he seems to be friendly with Cater.

"Bwah! You're that guy from this morning!" Ace shouted

"His names Cater, Ace." I tell Ace as that what he said was kinda rude

"You tricked us into paintin' those dumb roses!" Grim said with a glare

"'Tricked' is such an ugly word. Do you think I wanted to spend MY morning painting roses? It's dorm policy! I was just following orders." Cater said with a grin

"And grinning like a fiend all the while." Deuce said

"Yup." I said while taking a sip as my tea

"Now, now, Deucey. Outside of the dorm, I don't care what rules you follow. Here, I'm just a friendly mentor figure!" Cater said while calling Deuce by a nickname

"Please. Do NOT call me Deucey." Deuce stated while being surprised by the nickname.

"Ah ha ha. That's how Cater shows he cares." The green-haired boy said with a chuckle

"And who are you?" Ace questioned

"Yeah, we don't know your name." I stated at the boy

"Ah, I should introduce myself. The name's Trey. Trey Clover. I'm a junior at Heartslabyul, like Cater here." Trey introduce himself before looking at me.

"And you must be Ciel, the new perfect from that dump of a- ah, I mean, the 'rustic' dorm." Trey said while also covering his words.

"Nice to meet you, and great job on covering your words." I said with a smile as he looked at Ace and Deuce before looking back at me.

"I heard the whole story from Cater. Thanks for looking out for our boys yesterday." Trey said as him and Cater sat at our table

"It was no trouble at all." I said to him as I heard Ace sigh

"I don't recall inviting you to sit with us..." Ace groans

"Hey now, we're all from the same dorm, right? Let's try to get along. Here, gimme your digits." Cater said while holding out his smartphone, Ace told me what it was since I asked him.

"I don't have a smartphone." I said with a awkward smile on my face

"For real? I've read about luddites like you, but never imagined I'd meet one in the wild!" Cater said in shock as I froze up

'Did I say something I wasn't suppose to?' I thought to myself

"I know a place that sells the latest models cheap. How about you and I go on a phone-shopping date?" Cater suggested

"Huh?" I asked in confusion since I don't know what a date is.

"Cater. You're freaking out the freshman. Maybe take it down a notch?" Trey said to Cater as he chuckles.

"Ha! Sorry! I can get a little extra sometimes. What were we talking about... The dorms, yeah? Ah, what fun to mentor new students! Go ahead, A-M-A." Cater said

'A-M-A? What does that mean?' I thought to myself

"*Whispers* A-M-A means 'ask me anything'." Deuce whispers to me as I nod

"Before you get into the other dorms, I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about ours. Like, what's the deal with all this 'Queen of Hearts rule number whatever' junk?" Ace asked as he was still confused about the rule thing.

"I'm sure you're familiar with the legendary Queen of Hearts already? She had to rule over a kingdom of weirdos, and did it by emphasizing order and making strict rules." Trey explains

"Our dorm, Heartlabyul, is an homage to her. By tradition, we wear armbands with the red and black of the Queen's dress. And we live by the rules she created." Cater explains

"Pfft. Can you make me any more bored?" Grim said with a deadpan look

"Now, the degree to which we adhere to the rules depends on the sitting housewarden. Past wardens have been much more lax." Cater informs us

"Riddle though? He doesn't mess around. Basically, you could say that we're honoring that traditon to the utmost extent possible." Trey stated

'So is Riddle the only known housewarden that follow the tradition very closely, but... Why? What made him act like that to begin with?' I thought to myself

"Bleah. Just my luck..." Ace groans

"So what are the other dorms like, then?" Grim asked

'I'll need to know this information for any future encounters and interactions...'

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