The Crimson Tyrant: Part 18

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*Ciel's POV*

We went to the rose maze so Ace wouldn't make a scene in front of the dorm in case any other student shows up. I looked at the roses that we had worked hard to paint as I grabbed one of them from the rose bush. I held it carefully to avoid the thorns from pricking my hand as I used my other hand to touch the petals. The rose reminds me of Riddle and for some reason, me as well, we have delicate features and emotions but thorns to protect us from harm but hurt others. But that still didn't make any of this right, I turned to see Ace kicking around some of the supplies in frustration.

"Rrrgh! I hate that little ginger megalomaniac! Does he think HE's the Queen of Hearts?" Ace aske angerly

"Banished by the houswarden from my own dorm... My dream of becoming an honor student is slipping further and further away..." Deuce said sadly

"Stupid collar! It's so tight! Grr..." Grim complains

"Well, we'll need to come up with a new plan since that plan failed..." I said as I grip the collar in anger

'Why is he doing this! I can tell that it isn't for the dorm, so what is his true reason?' I thought to myself

"You're really racking up those collars. Quite the impressive collection." I turned behind me and say a floating head smiling, we were quiet as our brains were processing what was going on.

"BWAH?!" Me, Deuce, Ace, and Grim cried out in surprise as we jumped back a bit.

"Myah! A ghost head!" Grim said in fear

"I don't think that's the case..." I said as I regain my breathing

"Oh dear. It seems I'm not all here." The purpled-haired boy said as the rest of his boy appeared.

"What? Er, so you do have a body, then? Who are you?" Deuce asked the boy

"The name's Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker. Am I a cat? Am I a purrrson? A mimsy borogove, perhaps? A mome rath with a knack for magic?" He took the rose from me and began to cut off the thorns and some parts of the stem.

"Uh, look, Ar... Arte... Run the name by me again?" Ace asked as he couldn't say the name

"His name is Aretmiy Artemiyevich Pinker." I answered as they look at me

"What? It wasn't that hard to say." The boy chuckled at my words

"Heh heh. People usually just call me Che'nya. Let's just say I'm not from the other side of the looking glass." Che'nya told us with a smile

"What dorm are you from?" I asked him as he wasn't wearing any of the dorms' uniforms

"Why don't you try to guess?" Che'nya suggested

"Oh, I know! He's got animal ears, so he's gotta be from... uh... Bananaclaw, was it?" Grim asked as Che'nya shakes his head

"Bzzzzzt! Incorrect. Bananas grow on trees, do they not? I, on the other hand, am a cat." Che'nya said as Grim pouts

"And besides, other dorms have students with animal ears, too." Deuce said

"Also the dorm is called Savanaclaw." I inform Grim

"After the insanity that teapot tyrant put me through, I'm not in the mood for whatever this is. Just leave me alone." Ace said while growling as Che'nya chuckles

"Riddle the teapot tyrant... Heh heh. Well, I can't dismiss that perspective as wrong. He's always been quite strict." Che'nya states

'So he knows something about Riddle? I hope it's useful.' I thought to myself while having my arms cross.

"Do you know something about him?" Deuce asked the question I was gonna ask

"Perhaps there are things that I know, and perhaps there are things that I don't." Che'nya said while playing around

"That's not an answer!" Grim said with a deadpan

"It kinda of is and not at the same time." I tell Grim

"Is there something you wish to know about Riddle?" Che'nya asked us with a smile

"Yeah, what created such a control freak?" Ace asked

"Yeah, why is he doing this when it's clearly hurting others?" I asked

"I believe his four-eyed friend may have the answer." Che'nya informed us

"Four-eyed friend? You mean Trey?" Deuce asked

"He's known Riddle since we were all little boys. If you want to know more about Riddle, I would begin my quest there." Che'nya suggested as he places the rose in my hair while positioning the stem to help stay in my hair.

"They're childhood friends? I didn't really get that impression." Deuce said

"Well, maybe it has to do with Riddle's past as to why the intend impression became lost." I suggested

"If you're so perceptive, then what are you asking me for? Buh-bye!

"If you're so perceptive, then what are you asking me for? Buh-bye!" Che'nya said as his body fades

"H-hey!" Deuce shouts

"W-wait!" I shout as he laughs

"Ha ha ha ha...!" Che'nya's head fades, leaving the four of us in the maze

"I tell ya, no one makes any sense around here." Grim said

"No kidding, but I think that's the point." I stated while rubbing my forehead

"Well, we're not going to be able to do much in the way of schoolwork with these collars on. So let's go see what Trey has to say, and then..." Deuce said as Ace then speaks up

"If you're gonna say 'apologize to Riddle,' you can forget it!" Ace snapped

"I don't think that's what he was gonna suggested, but if we want to confront Trey... Maybe we need to set up a little ambush." I suggested with a smirk

We all had determined looks on our faces as we leave the maze and Heartslabyul dorm to avoid angering Riddle further. I began to think of places that Trey could possibly be after the party is over and finish talking to Riddle. Which I don't think Riddle will listen despite the two being childhood friends since it seems he wasn't paying mind to what Trey and Cater were saying earlier. I shake my head at that thought as I lead the way to where Trey would be after reviewing his personality and interests. While also discussing about the ambush we're gonna do to make sure Trey won't run off, not when we need answers.

'I hope you have the answer we're looking for, Trey or this will be all for nothing...'

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