The Crimson Tyrant: Part 14

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*Ciel's POV*

We looked at the tarts in awe as Trey comes with bowls of powdered sugar and handed each of us a bowl. He shows us how we sprinkle the sugar onto the tarts and how much we need to put on each of them. Which is very helpful as I know that there are times when someone puts too little or too much of something on food. And we want to make sure that theses tarts are perfect so Ace can have that collar off him. 

"Okay, now we just sprinkle on a little powdered sugar, and..." Trey said as we put the sprinkles onto the tarts

"Finished!" Me, Grim, and Ace cheered

"Fin... ished..." Deuce said as I wince as Ace looked at me

"Did something happen to him while you were shopping?" Ace questioned

"He's still in shock." I said with a sigh as I began to explain what had happened.

"Seriously?! That's so hilarious!" Ace said while laughing, I kept the Deuce as a delinquent hidden.

"For sixteen years, I was so sure..." Deuce said in sorrow as I patted his back

"It's okay Deuce, it happens to all of us." I said with a reassuring smile

"Yeah, whatever. I'm pretty beat. Making tarts sure takes it outta you." Ace said with a sigh

"Hey fam You look wrecked. Are the tarts done? Ooh, those look sooo cute!" Cater said as I jump a bit from his sudden arrival.

"Lemme snap a quick pic for Magicam!" He took a couple of pictures as I was left in a daze by the flashes.

'I don't think I'll ever get used to that...' I shake my head

"What, NOW you decide to show up?" Ace said angrily

"I just came to see how hard my little newbs were working." Cater said with a smirk

"It's tough work if you're not used to it. But there's no better cure for the ails of fatigue than something sweet from the oven! Help yourself to some of this tart." Trey said as he gave us each a tart.

"Yay!" Cater, Ace, and Grim cheered as I finally got Deuce out of his trance

"Pretty funny how you managed to show right when it was ready to eat, Cater." Trey said with a chuckle

"Heh heh. Someone's gotta be the official taster!" Cater said

"Mmmm... That smells so good... Glossy chestnuts on top, fluffy cream below... I can't wait second, I'm going in!" Grim said as we all took a bite except for Trey

"Oh, dang..." Ace said in awe

"Yuuum! Liked and subscriiibed!" Cater said in bliss

"This is like something from a fancy bakery." Deuce said in awe

"This is so good! It's one of the best pastries I ever had as of now!" I said as I was in bliss

"Rich in flavor, yet not to sweet... It's like chestnuts are dancing across my tongue!" Grim said in blis

"Is that... a good thing?" Trey said with an awkward smile

"Oh, Trey! You gotta do the thing." Cater said as Trey looked confused

"The thing? Oh... That." Trey smiles as me and Ace looked at him

"The thing? What thing?" I questioned

"Uh, wanna fill me in here?" Ace questioned

"What's everyone's favorite food?" Trey asked us

"Me? Probably cherry pie. Or hamburgers." Ace answered

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