The Crimson Tyrant: Part 27

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*Ciel's POV*

"Welp, looks like we got some cleaning up to do. All that work making the garden Magicam-worthy, and now it's a total tire fire. Laaame." Cater said

I couldn't blame him the whole place was a mess after that huge fight with Riddle when he was in his overblot form. Especially since it took Cater, his clones, me, and my friends to get the whole place ready for the party. Riddle had a guilty look on his face as he was muttering an apology in my hold. I pet his head while reassuring him that it won't remain like this for long as I'm gonna help clean up the mess with the others. He nods at my words but still had a guilty look on his face.

"I'll help out." Trey said as Cater shakes his head

"No, why don't you get Riddle to the nurse's office. That was a full-blown case of overblot. We need to make absolutely sure he's okay." Cater suggested

"Mr. Diamond is correct. I will go along with you."

"Understood. Thank you, sir." Trey said with relief

I looked at Riddle as I helped him get back on his feet while making sure he wasn't crying anymore. I then handed him over to Trey as he puts a hand on Riddle's shoulder as the three began to walk away. Deuce and Ace began to use their magic to clean as I watch as they got further from us. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked to see that it was Cater, who had a concern look.

"You should go with them to check for any injuries." Cater suggested as I shake my head

"Don't worry, I'll be okay and besides, someone had to make sure Grim doesn't run off from cleaning." I said with a smile as he nods, while Grim looked out of it.

"Grim? What's wrong?" He looks at me before he speaks

"Man, am I STARVED after usin' so much magic!"

'I suppose that does make sense you would be hungry after using who knows how many spells. But do mages suffer from that issue too?' I thought to myself

"Hmmm hey, check it out!" Grim said as he pointed towards something on the ground

I looked to see that it was a black magestone laying on the ground right were the ink puddle had formed. It seems when we defeated Riddle, the monster creature that was behind had began to disappeared, it left the stone behind. Just like that monster from the Dwarfs' Mine a few days ago. I watch as Grim made his way towards the stone before I could try and stop as I had a feeling he was gonna do what I think he was gonna do. Though knowing him, he won't listen to me when it came to that stone so I don't know why I'm gonna try and stop him.

"That's another black magestone, just like the one we found at the Dwarfs' Mine!" Grim said as he picked it up.

"You're right. Wonder where it came from?" Deuce questioned as he looked at it

"Just don't put it in your mouth this time." Ace said with a sigh

"I don't think that will stop him..." I said with a sweatdrop and true to my word, he shakes his head

"No way. After how great that last one tasted, I can't get that thing in my mouth fast enough!" Grim said as he puts the stone in his mouth.

"Aaand there it goes." Ace said as him and Deuce sighs

"Oh, Grimmy... Have some self-respect, honey! That was literally trash." Cater said with a 'WTF' look

"That's what we told him the first time, but he didn't listen to us." I said with a sigh as Grim has a blissed look. While Cater shot me a 'What do you mean first time?' as I wave it off as a explain later.

"Ahhhhh! Rich and sweet, but with a complex hint of bitterness in the aftertaste. Equally delicious, but with quite a different mouthfeel from that last one I ate." Grim said as we all looked at him before sighing.

"I guess this is just a thing now?" I questioned as I looked down with Deuce patting my back

"As a monster, maybe his stomach works differently than ours?" Ace suggested while thinking

"Even still, eating trash can't be good for anyone." Deuce said as Cater nodded in agreement

"Oooh! I just tried the grass, and the flavor was surprisingly pleasant! Crisp, even!" Grim said while eating grass.

"That's our lawn! Don't eat that!" Deuce stopped Grim by picking him up as be began to frail around

"Sooo... Eating that rock wasn't the first time he ate something like it?" Cater asked while looking at me.

"Yeah, he eat one back at the Dwarfs' Mine  when we were getting a magestone for Crowley.

"Uh, A-F-K while I go throw up... But... seriously, guys. Thanks." Cater said while whispering the last bitm which I heard as I smile

"Did you just say something?" Ace asked him as he quickly shakes his head before smiling at him.

"Hm? Nope. Not a thing." Cater informs him

We went back to cleaning and repairing the Rose maze as the group was using their magic once more. Though for me, Cater had me sweep up the twigs and fallen roses as I'm not strong enough to pick up fallen bushes. It took the rest of the day to get everything fixed up as Trey came back to let us know it was dinner time. He also informed us and everyone else that Riddle will be okay but until further notice he will stay in the infirmary for a few days. Trey invited me and Grim to eat dinner at the dorm, which we accepted.

The food was really good as me and Grim finished it in no time since I need to learn how to cook on my own. We talked with our friend, Trey, and Cater before bidding the four good night as we began to leave the dorms. As we were walking, I had Grim go on ahead as I need to do something real quick. He nods and tells me he'll let the ghosts know before running off as I made my way towards the school. Even though I knew I needed to rest after a long day which I will do soon.

'But first, I need to go see someone before going back to the dorm.'

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