The Crimson Tyrant: Part 22

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*Third POV*

Ciel kept track of the time from the watch Crowley gave him as the battle came to an end as he saw that it wasn't minutes but seconds instead. He looked up to see Ace and Deuce on the ground as Riddle ready's his final attack. Ciel was still trying to process just how in the world the battle ended just before 5 seconds.

"Off With Your Heads!" Riddle said angrily

"Bwaaaaah!" Deuce and Ace cried out as the collars appeared around their necks

"Ace! Deuce!" Ciel yelled in concern

"Urrrgh... Not again. I didn't even have time to finish my spell!" Ace groans in frustration

"He shut us down like it was nothing..." Deuce states

"That was fast!" Ciel said in surprise

"Visualization is key to spell casting. The better you are at accurately visualizing your magic's effects, the stronger and more precise it will be. It would appear Mr. Rosehearts has finely honed his magic." Crowley informs Ciel

"Myah... They didn't stand a chance." Grim said sadly

"Hmph. You didn't even last five seconds. That was all you had, and still you thought to challenge me? You must be utterly humiliated. I guess my mother was right. A man who cannot follow rules is a man who cannot achieve anything." Riddle said 

"Tch... We agree that rules should be followed. But forcing others to follow nonsensical rules like the ones you've enacted is tyranny!" Deuce said with a glare

"Then you agree that breaking rules is wrong. And in this dorm, I AM the rules. Therefore, those who cannot abide by my decisions deserve not the heads they use to complain!" Riddle countered as I got up from the chair.

"You can't just use rules to do whatever you please!" Ciel said as he walked in between Riddle and he friends and he faced Riddle.

"If there were no penalties, no one would follow the rules. I have to wonder what sort of pitiful education left you unable to comprehend so simple a concept." Riddle said as Ciel glares at him

"But that doesn't mean you can abused the rules and penalties as you wish!" Ciel scolded him

"Clearly, you were born to parents with no great magical capability. And as a result... You lack even the basic education necessary to attend a school such as this. It's quite sad." Riddle said with a smug look

Ciel froze when Riddle said that to him as a faint memory came to his mind, but one that brought pain. He saw two adults, a man and a women, laying on the ground covered in a red substance he doesn't recognize. Tears began to stream down his face as a look of horror formed on his face, which made everyone surprised. Riddle had a look of confusion on his face as he wasn't expecting that kind of reaction from the boy what-so-ever. Deuce and Ace on the other hand were pissed off by what Riddle had said about Ciel and his parents.

"You little..." Deuce said pissed off

"You shut your spoiled little mouth!" Ace said in anger

He then did something that shocked everyone, which was punching Riddle in the face with as much strength as possible. Riddle fell to the ground in surprised as everyone else stared as they tried to process what had just happened. Once Riddle's mind settled, he looked at Ace as he touched his bruised cheek.


"Riddle?!" Trey and Cater shouted in shock

"Mr. Rosehearts?!" Crowley shouted in shock as the students were surprised

"Whoa! He just punched the housewarden...!"

"Bam! Right cross to the face!" Grim cheered

"A-Ace?!" Deuce questioned in shock

"Ace?! What are you doing! Crowley told us physical attacks are forbidden!" Ciel asked in shock

"You can insult me all you want... But insulting Ciel and his family like that is another thing, especially when he can't even remember them." Ace glared at Riddle before backing away with a sigh

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