The Crimson Tyrant: Part 12

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*Ciel's POV*

"Um, we wanted to buy all the items on this list..." Deuce said as he handed Sam the list

"Ring up two cans of tuna while you're at it!" Grim said with a smile

"No, Grim! We're not here for tuna!" Deuce scolded him

"Grim, I'll get you tuna tomorrow okay?" I said as Grim was pouting

"What's this? Cream and eggs and... Quite the sacchariferous list! I'll get everything for you." Sam said as he went to get the items.

"Whoa... He really does stock that stuff, huh?" Deuce questioned

"Seems so, I'm glad they do or else we're done for." I said as Deuce nods in agreement

We waited as I looked around to see that some of these items don't seem to be from the same places. But what makes me wonder is how Sam had gotten his hands on these items and why he's selling them. I then looked at what seems to be some kind of clock, that was a circle and smaller. It felt familiar to me and I couldn't help but feel homesick and sadness from the sight as I heard small ticking from it. Before I could pick it up, I heard Sam coming back as I quickly turned around and hid my sadness.

"Here you go. It's pretty heavy... Are you sure you can carry this? Luckily for you, our 1/100th size flying saucers are 30% off today. Perfect for carrying groceries!" Sam informs us

"Ooh, lemme see! That sounds awesome!" Grim asked in awe

"We're fine, thank you. Let's go, Grim, Ciel." Deuce said as we grabbed the bags

"Myah! I didn't realize today was National No Fun Allowed Day!" Grim cried out

"Come on Grim, you don't want to miss eating one of the tarts do you?" I said as he got on my shoulder

"Very well. Then until next time, my little imps. Do come again! Ciao!" Sam said

We left as we began walking back to the dorms through the main street as we were carrying the bags. Well, except for Grim of course since he only have paws so he wouldn't be able to grab the bags to begin with. Though I should've check what was inside each of the bags before grabbing one of them since this one is filled with cans. And they were very heavy together in a group which says a lot. I looked at the sky to help ease the pain and saw the stars once more despite the sun still setting in the background.

"That store was amazing." Deuce said as I nod

"Yeah, it had a lot of things. It'll definitely help me out in case I run low on supplies." I said as my right arm began to hurt.

"Yeah, and you're amazingly cheap." Grim said in a deadpanned tone towards Deuce.

"Who are you calling cheap?!" Deuce questioned Grim before looking at me

"Hmph. Ciel, looks like you got the bag with all the cans. That must be heavy." Deuce surveyed

"Yeah, my right arm is beginning to hurt again..." I said as I readjusted my hold before Deuce walked towards me and held his hand out.

"Let me take that one. I've got a little trick for carrying heavy bags." Deuce said

"There's a trick for that?" I handed him the bag as he nods

"Yeah. My mom always used to stock up at sales, and the bags would get ridiculously heavy. I was the only man in the house, so I got to do all the heavy lifting, and- Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to monopolize the conversation." Deuce apologized as I shake my head to say it's okay

"It's great that you helped out around the house." I said with a smile but he was frowning

'Why is he frowning? Was it what I said?'

"No, it wasn't like that at all. The truth is, I- Owww!" Deuce was cut off as he bumped into someone

"Deuce! Are you okay?!" I asked in concern before I heard the sound of cracking

"Myah! The eggs!" Grim cried out

"T-the carton of eggs is totally smashed! And now the bag's dripping egg good everywhere." Deuce said in dread

"Ouch! Why don't you watch where you're- Hey! You're the jerks who broke the egg yolk on my carbonara!" I groan as I saw it was the two delinquents from lunch.

'Not these guys again!'

"I've had about enough of you punks. You need to learn your place!" Delinquent B said in annoyance

"...... You're the ones who darted out at us from around a corner! And you picked a fight with us at lunch over an egg that you were still totally able to eat! And now you've destroyed six of OUR eggs!" Deuce informs them

"Yeah! He's right!" Grim stated

"We needed those eggs for something important and now we lost some valued time." I said with my arms crossed

"So what? You sayin' that was our fault?" Delinquent A said

"I am. Please reimburse us for the eggs. And then apologize to the chickens.

"Ooh, look who's got his big boy pants on. You sure are makin' a big deal outta some stupid eggs." Delinquent B said which made me and Deuce freeze

"What?" Deuce questioned

"Excuse me?" I asked

"They haven't even touched the ground, so they're still edible. Quit whinin'." Delinquent A said with a smirk

"You should thank us for savin' ya the trouble of crackin' 'em!" Delinquent B said with a smirk

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" The two laughed, I was about to say something but I was stopped by Deuce.

"That ain't funny." Deuce said quietly

"Huh?" Delinquent A asked

"I said, THAT AIN'T FUNNY." Deuce yelled as I back up

"Deuce?" I asked in concern as he was acting like a different person.

"You don't get to call my eggs stupid. You don't get to call ANY eggs stupid! Those eggs may not have gotten to be chicks, but they were gonna make some amazing tarts! Do you get it yet? DO YOU?!" Deuce yelled at them, which made them back up

"What is with this guy all of a sudden?!" Delinquent B asked in shock

"You owe me six eggs. If ya ain't gonna pay me for em, then you're gettin' a bruise for each one!" Deuce announced while glaring at them

"Are you serious right now?!" Delinquent A asked in surprise

"Buckle up, jerks!" Deuce said

Next thing I knew it Deuce threw a punch at the red-haired delinquent that was next to the tall delinquent. Deuce was dodging the hits like it was nothing as he continues to use hand to hand combat instead of his magic. Now that I think about, base on the way he's fighting, it's like he had fought like this before, but when? I don't know.

I ordered Grim to help Deuce while also dodging the tall delinquent hits as well, I took a side step to make his fist make contact with the statue. Then I trip him by using my foot and digging the heel into the ground to keep my balance. After that he got up in pain and tried to punch me once more but Deuce and Grim attacked him. I back away as Deuce tossed the tall delinquent into the other one as they landed on the floor, we stood in front of them as I had my hands on my hips.

'Hope this is the last time they mess with us.'

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