IX. Terry, Cherry

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°•°•[Terry, Cherry]•°•°

FOR A WHILE, Tucker, Julia and Mike searched through the blocks. Redhead had secretly been taking nightlocks from the bushes. She wasn't intending to poison Tucker and Mike, but she thought that an extra plan of poisoning others wouldn't be bad. 

Three allies find med kit along with three more bottles of water and dried fruit after searching for four days. They haven't eaten much because they couldn't find anything to eat, and Julia already shared all of her dried fruit. They found another rabbit, so they cooked it with the one Julia had. They ran away from they fire quickly, but even hours after, nobody came near it. Some of the chests seemed to be opened before, and something was missing, or so it looked like, which meant other tributes have already been there.   

When Mike, Tucker and Julia settled down that evening, girl cleaned her scars. They still hurt when she touched them, but there was no pills or creams in the med kit, and nothing else would help. Mike stitched Tucker's scar. Julia had to make Tucker keep quiet all the time. Mike took fifeteen minutes to finish, and when he did, redhead removed the cloth from Tucker's mouth and the boy groaned loudly.

"It hurts so fucking much," the boy said. 

"Of course it hurts, we don't have anesthesia here," Mike replied. 

Tucker sat on the floor uncomfortably, shifting his body with a painful grimase. "I'm going to keep guard first."

"You should rest," Mike said. "I saw people pass out from pain few hours after they were stitched. I will stay awake first, but you have to rest."

Tucker opened his mouth to protest, but Julia interrupted him. "Mike is right. You should really rest this night, Tucker."

Tucker nodded and leaned against the stone cold wall and soon, he was sound asleep. Julia couldn't fall sleep immediately, afraid of the dog appearing in her dreams again, but after half an hour, she was curled on the floor, her breathing steady. Mike put a blanket over the redhead, and two jackets over Tucker, and watched them sleep. 

Two of three of them will be dead in the end of the Games if they were lucky, but probably all of them won't make it to their homes, no matter the odds. Tucker has that high odds because of his sister, but he probably didn't have much skill. It was a depressing but true fact, that they all had to die, and it scared Mike. Dying always scared him, but it felt more real now that he was in the arena. Now, when he was so close to it. 

After half of the night, Mike woke Julia up and let her keep watch. Redhead stared out of the window or the door, careful. Nobody came all night, and when the sun rose, girl didn't brother to wake her allies immediately. She drank couple sips of water and ate a handful of dried fruit.

Mike and Tucker did the same when they woke up. They packed their stuff and exited the building. Cold air was breezing, but sun was shining in the sky, a remainder to all of the tributes that Gamemakers controlled the arena. Three tributes searched two more buildings, but only thing they found was an opened chest. Boys tried to find something around it, but redhead sat down an looked out of the building.

Julia nudged two boys. "Look! A parachute!" Mike and Tucker looked out of the window and saw a sliver parachute flying to the ground. Then, Julia grabbed a knife and run out of the building. She was back in one minute with a package in her hands.

A cannon went of loudly, and three allies knew someone died near them. They looked at each other silently and took their backpacks, weapons in their hands. Julia stuffed the parachute in her rucksack because there was no space in Mike's, and allies entered the street. Wind was now blowing, messing with their hair, but nobody was out. Julia was sure that whoever has killed the other tribute was near, and that he or she or they saw the parachute in the sky.

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