VIII. Allies

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MIKE LOOKED AROUND the arena. It was a big city in ruins with some bushes and trees around. Lots of trash was on the pavement, even some trees and pieces of buildings. He saw a backpack near him, noting in his mind to take it. His eyes searched for his allies, but he could only see Tucker standing on a pod further away. Tucker saw Mike too, and they silently nodded towards each other. Mike looked some more around, looking for Julia's flaming red hair. He seemed to catch a glimpse of it somewhere across him. 

The gong sounded, and both boys run. Mike took the backpack and prepared to run away from he Cornucopia when he saw two spears few feet away. He quickly took them and searched for his allies once again, just to once again find Tucker, whom had a pack of knives in his hands. 

"Fuck you, Julia Brown!" Mike thought he heard something like that. 

Tucker threw a knife at Jared, if Mike remembered correctly, from District 1. Mike took Tucker's hand and pulled him out of the Bloodbath, praying that nobody was following them. A knife hit a little girl from Five, Pheobe, Mike thought, in the stomach, few meters away from the Cornucopia. Tucker escaped Mike's grip and run towards the Pheobe. He took the knife out of her stomach and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Tucker, we have to go!" Mike yelled. "Now, or we are going to die too!"

"No," Tucker cried. "Look at her!"

A knife breezed near them. 

The girl's face was pale and scared, tears falling on her cheeks, and she was trembling. Mike ducked, and a knife filed over his head, lending few feet away. He squated next to his ally and little girl. "Pheobe, is it?" He asked the girl, and she nodded. "I'm Mike. You don't need to be scared, Pheobe, alright?"

"I am... I am scared," Pheobe's voice was shaking. Another knife flew in their direction, and scratched Tucker's back. His shirt got ripped, and he was bleeding.

"You are going somewhere safe. No need to be scared, Phoebe," Mike repeated.

"I see my mum. She has wings, angel wings and she came to get me," Phoebe whispered.

Mike got up and pulled Tucker with him. They ran, and Tucker took other knives that almost killed them along the one that killed Pheobe. They stopped running after a while, and walked for hour and a half before settling down in one ruined building. Mike opened his backpack, and found a jacket, pack of knives and a bottle of water in it. Two hours after the Bloodbath, five cannons sounded, each pain in Mike's ears.

Both boys were waiting anxiously for national anthem to start playing so they could see who died and who lived. When it did, first face to appear was Pheobe's, which meant that Julia was alive. It relieved Mike so much we started to laugh, untill he saw Lea's face in the air.

"She was from home," Tucker whispered sadly, eyes glassy.

"I know. I know."

Boy from Eleven and both from Twelve also died, and that was all for the day.

Tucker and Mike continued to hide in same building. Mike played with ring on his finger, his tribute token. It used to be his sister's, but she died with his parents. They gave him only this ring and an envelope. He didn't open it, only years after. It only said that his parents and sister were dead and that he was being put for adoption. Obviously, nobody ever adopted him. 

Xavier offered him something else for his token, but Mike refused. He saw that Tucker had the same tribute token as Pearl had - a golden bracelet. Both of them knew that other tributes would be searching for them because Pearl had won the 60th Games.

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