VI. Private sessions

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°•°•[Private sessions]•°•°

THE THIRD DAY OF TRAINING was almost the same as two days before. Julia tried out in fishing one more time, in which she still sucked at. While at the fishing station, Molly tried to talk her into joining the Careers again, but redhead refused the third time, more firmly than the time before. 

After that, Julia met Lea and together they went to camouflage station, and Lea seemed pretty good at it. District 8 girl helped the redhead to improve, at least a bit. Two of them joined Mike and Tucker in one on one combat after camouflage station, and Tucker had a little progress since the day before. 

Then, there was lunch. Julia, Mike, Tucker and Lea ate together, joking to hide their nervousness, but a bit before private sessions started, all of the tributes were separated by their Districts. 

And just like that, private sessions started. First was boy from District 1, Jared, followed by his sister ten minutes after. Next were District 2's tributes, whom seemed the most confident of all tributes. And soon enough, forty minutes after the training started, it was Mike's turn. He got up and entered the training room nervously. 

Julia was waiting for her turn anxiously. She has already chose her skill last night, when she was talking to Beetee, she'll throw knives and spears, because she was best at it, and that will get her a high score. Maybe that would make her a target, but it would get her sponsors too. Besides, she'll keep her profile low, and than she won't be on anyone's mind. 

"Julia Brown!" 

Julia got up, figeting her fingers and walked out of the room. Gamemakers are watching her, glasses of wine in their hands. Julia saw Mike exiting the room, looking happy with himself, with a smile on his face. He saw Julia too, and winked flirtatiously at her, his mouth forming words Good luck

 "Julia Brown, District Three," she said, trying to hide slight shaking in her voice. 

"You have ten minutes to represent your chosen skill, Miss Brown," said the Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane. He was standing with his arms crossed behind his back. Most of other Gamemakers are also watching Julia, but some of them are looking in their food, which includes a big turkey and mashed potatoes, and their wine. Redhead noticed that two or maybe even three Gamemakers were already drunk. She felt sorry for tributes coming after her. By the time tributes from Twelve came to their turns, those assholes would be completely drunk. They won't spend a chance.

Julia took a knife carefully, adjusted the grip and threw it at the target, missing the middle by ten centimetres. She took another knife and threw it again, and again, and again, hitting the middle in fifth try, and a couple times after that. After three minutes, she decided to throw the same with spears, so she took one, adjusted her grip and threw it. The spear almost hit the center of the target. She did it couple more times, and she was better than with knives. She was still nervous and anxious which resulted in mising a couple of times. 

She looked at the Gamemakers. Their faces didn't say much, but some were smiling, and she could see some were amazed by look in their eyes. But, most of them looked bored, and they were just ate their giant turkey with mashed potatoes and drank their wine. Than Julia looked at clock; she had four more minutes. She decided to do one on one combat. 

The guy that was in charge for one on one combat had jet black hair and dark skin. After a few seconds, he attacked first. Julia blocked his strike and punched him in his stomach. She tried to use years of fighting on streets to her advantage, but this guy was also trained. Before she could even react, the guy hit her nose, and Julia's eyes watered, but she still managed to punch him between his legs and he twisted. It didn't effect him so much and he punched her in stomach, then went in to slap her, but redhead stopped his hand and twisted it. 

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