Chapter Twenty-Four: The Letter

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|| Chapter Twenty-Four: The Letter||

Author's Note:

Being late on updating is on purpose! I finished this chapter a week ago but wanted to make you guys wait an extra day just because this is kind of an important chapter for our dear Thea x love you all! Don't kill me for the late update x I'm only late by a day or not even that depending on where you live.

Thea's POV:

"Thea? What are you doing in here?" My dad entered the room before I had the chance to read the letter that was addressed to me.


My mum had written me a letter. One that I had never seen in my entire existence of eighteen years.

I wiped away the lone tear that had fallen before facing my dad, letter still in my shaking hands but behind my back so he couldn't catch a glimpse of it. "I was looking for you to ask you something but I just remembered where I left the vacuum so it doesn't matter. Uh I'll just go."

Vacuum? Are you serious Thea? It was six at night. Why the hell would you need a vacuum cleaner?

"Okay then. Well I have some work to get to." He gestured towards his desk which I was blocking his way to, really he could always go around but whatever.

"Right! Well I'll just leave ya to it then. Get on outta here. Boogie to my roomie." I chuckled awkwardly, making sure as he was stepping to his desk that my back was always hidden.

"Are you okay?" He asked, genuine concern gifted his features. Sitting down in his black leather seat, he glanced at me with worry lining his weathered face.

I laughed, maybe a little too loud and suspiciously, "Yeah! I'm fine! Oh wow look at the time, I must be getting to uh bed now, yeah!" I said, looking at my wrist as if I had a watch and started backing away to his office door.

"But it's only six." He stated, slight confusion laced throughout his sentence.

"Bye!" I practically shouted as I slammed his office door closed. Phew that was close. Now-

Suddenly my hands were empty. It took me a second to comprehend what happened but then I twisted around.

Cameron was standing there with the piece of paper and letter in his hand, grinning at me, "What's this?"

"Cameron, give it back!" I scolded him as though he was the ten year old boy I first met. My body lunged towards him, reaching for the papers but he spun his body away from mine, holding it high above him. Damn height difference.

I knew he was reading it by the way his shoulders slouched slightly and the sound of a barely audible gasp. "Cameron! Stop! I haven't even started reading it yet." My voice broke near the end and he immediately stopped reading to step in front of me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, his big dove eyes never looking so sorrowful and guilty before, which concerned me deeply.

"Cameron?" I questioned, the tone of my voice unsure.

He rested one warm palm against my cheek, kissing me softly before handing me the letter, "I think you should read it."

I closed my eyes for a second, "Stay with me?" I reopened my eyes in wait of his response.

He simply nodded, linking his fingers through mine and pulling me into the living area.

"Wait," I stopped when we were a few steps away from the couch, forcing him to hesitate too, "Can we go somewhere else?" I bit my lip lightly with anxiety.

Thea [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now