Chapter Twenty-Seven: Well That's One Way To Confess

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||Chapter Twenty-Seven: Well That's One Way To Confess||

Cameron's POV:

Reaching my main amigo's house was a weird thing to do in the early hours of the morning but I was pumped to hear what Thea was going to dare Lea. I knew she would want to choose something embarrassing, I just hoped that she wouldn't go too far with it. Knowing Thea, she would.

"Okay, we're here." Thea announced as we stopped in front of Cole's house. It was quaint and I loved staying there, it felt like home. Compared to my house at least. My dad was hardly ever home. It was quiet and lonely with just me in the house which is why I always stayed with Thea or Cole. Dad was always sorting out the what was happening with my mother lately so that meant a lot of time with her instead of me. I didn't mind that much but I guess I just felt a little neglected in a way.

Speaking of my mother, she was coming to stay with us this week. It was probably best that Thea would be with Lea the next week or so, that gave me more time to get used to the idea of my mother before confessing everything to Thea.

I knew it wouldn't go down well with her, especially after everything that she just found out about her own mother. That wasn't what I was most worried about though, I knew she was going to be hurt but me keeping all that from her would hurt the most.

And plus, I knew more than that...

"What are you daring me to do?" Lea grunted in frustration, successfully breaking me from my thoughts that were starting to go down a path I really didn't want them to go down, "I just want to get this over with." 

Derek to my left was looking extremely uncomfortable and the apprehension on his face was plausible. Thea had a sort of devious look on her face right then that made me never want to be on the other end of the dare. Her eyebrows were lowered slightly, her soft pink lips were twitching to the side, and her smile was half humourous, half evil. 

"Well," She begun, rubbing her hands together dramatically, "Cameron over here will be calling Cole, and telling him in some way to get his ass outside. It's up to Cam to what excuse he will use. Then, you have to get Cole to kiss you without kissing him first or seducing him." 

Mierda. (A.N: Shit.)

 "How nice of you to include me." I said sarcastically. Thea rolled her eyes at me before turning back to her best friend.

"Lea, how do you want to do this?" She questioned her but by the looks of things, Lea wouldn't get much done with her mouth hanging open like that. When she noticed that we were all staring at her, she snapped her mouth shut and let out a screech.

"Are you serious?" You could tell she was nervous just by the shake in her voice, or even the shake of her hands. We all knew of Lea's feelings towards Cole but he didn't, I'm guessing that she was scared of him finding out? I didn't know.

"Yes, I'm serious. Make a plan." Thea demanded, losing her patience quickly. Looks like my baby was getting tired and grumpy already. 

I sighed internally, I guess I could help. I did have an idea of how to get him to kiss her. But the only problem was, would it turn out great or end badly? Because if it ended badly then it would very badly.

"I have a plan but it's risky" I grinned.

* * *

Thea's POV: (I know, I'm sorry, that was mean. I just have to have it in Thea's POV for a while but Cameron's POV was important)

"Lea!" I screamed and ran straight for her body that fell limp on the ground. Cole was already running down his front steps, towards her too.

"What the f*ck happened? Is she okay? F*ck." He swore, cradling her head on his lap.

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