Chapter Two: Revenge Is Sweet

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||Chapter Two: Revenge Is Sweet||

Thea's POV:

I groaned, rubbing my eyes while attempting to sit up. I was about half way up before I noticed the aching pain in my head, falling straight back down.

"Ow." I murmured, massaging my temples, and still trying to get up.

Cameron chose that moment to walk in, his eyes facing down as he played with his phone. When he was about half way across the room, he put his phone in his jean's pocket, and looked up.  

I watched as his eyes widened as he rushed over to flick the switch on something next to me, and gently pushed me back down so I was lying in my bed again. Wait, my bed. 

My hands felt around the the thin cotton sheets beneath me while I thought, How did I get here? Wasn't I just finishing school?

Cam must have noticed my confusion because all of a sudden, my best friend was spitting out words left and right while I tried to keep up.

"You have to rest for a little while, the ball hit your head pretty hard - which was my fault by the way, I'm so sorry Thea, I pissed off one of the players. I carried you back to my car and drove you home after seeing the nurse to make sure you don't have a concussion, then you fell asleep on the way home." Cameron pushed my hair back from my face, pecked my forehead in a friendly gesture, and I smiled.

"Wait, a ball? When did I get hit with a ball? But, thank you Cammy, you're the best friend ever." I giggled at the nickname I hadn't used since we were twelve. He never was quite fond of it.

Cam's eyes threw ashen daggers at me and scrunched his nose up, "On your way to the parking lot. Seriously? If you ever call me that again then the consequences are going to be bad, Thea."

I put my hands up in surrender, "Okay. Okay. Sheesh." 

I looked above me to the ceiling, and noticed that the cream coloured paint was starting to split in cracks, "I had the strangest dream."

Cameron glanced at my Ipod dock, "What happened?"

"There were these little demon girls - you know, the ones with the long gowns and long dark hair - yeah well they kept singing, and it was so damn scary, they were chasing me." I took in a deep breath, "Worst nightmare ever." I shuddered , looking up at Cameron to find his dove eyes glimmering with amusement.

"Uh, Cameron? You alright there buddy? Because you're doing this weird thing with your eyes, you might want to go see an optometrist about that." I laughed for only a second before I noticed the amusement spreading to Cam's lips, and immediately, I choked up.

This couldn't be good. 

"That singing was coming from my Ipod." He chuckled and fiddled with something beside me again, reviving the torturous singing that I heard in my sleep, "You had been out for three hours. You hadn't woken up so I looked up tips on Yahoo, it said that if you play music or a video of their worst fear, then they have nightmares which forces them to wake up because of their natural instinct to run. To get as far away as possible from what you're afraid of." He turned the music off, sporting a smug smile.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe he did that! That was his brilliant technique to wake someone up? He might as well have written a book called 'The guide to waking up human beings in the most psycho way possible for dummies.'

Because people totally needed to know how to do that. Could you sense the sarcasm?

"First off, I can't believe you searched on Yahoo, who even uses that anymore? Ever heard of Google, Cameron?" I asked him with a hum. "Secondly, I can't believe you believed that, that means my best friend is a psycho who believes everything he sees, and hears." I laughed quietly.

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