Chapter Five: Staying Unknown In A Raging Teenage Party

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||Chapter Five: Staying Unknown In A Raging Teenage Party||

Cameron's POV:

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on, you take my breathe away, Lay Lay." I breathed, my eyes roaming over every inch of her, damn she looked stunning.

I didn't know what possessed me to say it well actually I did, it was her, and I didn't regret saying it because it was the truth, but I didn't want to push past her boundaries or anything.

She looked shocked by my confession but I still wouldn't take back something that meaningful. Yesterday morning when I woke up, I panicked, I still felt those feelings from the night before and it made me want to get away before I did anything stupid. I thought I had hid them away again but then tonight, after seeing her as beautiful as she always has been, I couldn't help it.

"Thank you." She whispered quietly.

I assessed her face and I didn't think I overstepped anything, actually, she looked awed.

I stepped away so I couldn't get mesmerized by her amazing, electric blue eyes and changed the subject because if I didn't then I would definitely overstep the boundaries of our friendship. I really didn't want that to happen.

"I have your birthday present here, do you want it now or later?" I asked acting like nothing had just happened between us. I hoped she said later because I wanted to give it to her in private.

"Later. I wanna party first and because of your friend, I was late and I need to catch up. Let's dance, player. Race you to the dance floor." She teased, and that was how easily we slipped back into our usual selves. Things with Thea were always so easy and uncomplicated, that was why we were best friends.

"You know I'll win, I always do." I winked at her.

She tsked back at me and took off for the lounge without another word or glance back at me. I stayed back a bit getting distracted by her ass, man, that was one sexy ass.

I needed to hook up with someone. Someone preferably hotter than Stacey, and yes, I knew Thea could see me earlier so I couldn't get into making out with Stacey while she was watching but I tried anyway. I ended up having to stop five minutes after Thea left because I felt like a bad best friend. I was a player but I wasn't always one, it just started two years ago, only because the person I wanted got her heart stolen by someone else before I had the guts to even try. So I got over her, well at least I thought I did until recently when those stupid feeling kept bubbling up. I had myself convinced that I only thought of her as a sister but now, I wasn't so sure.

Thea did end up beating me to the lounge but to be fair I had a better view so I didn't mind losing for once. By the time I got to her through the crowd and the large room though, she was already dancing with Lea and I got shooed away. Probably for the best and anyway, then I could go find me a chica to hook up with.

I went back into the kitchen to get myself a beer and got caught up, talking to one of my mates, Lucas who had started college this year. When I finally walked out into the living room, I spotted the perfect girl dancing that could keep me distracted.

Nikki Anders. The most popular rich bitch at our school and yes I meant bitch. Thea hates her so I might have to take Nikki somewhere Thea isn't otherwise I probably wouldn't be having children when I was older.

I casually walked over to where Nikki was dancing with a tipsy Cole. Wait, wasn't he supposed to be making his move on Lea tonight?

"Hey Nikki." I smiled at her, receiving a blush then nodded at Cole, "Hey man, don't you have something to do tonight?" I questioned.

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