Chapter Forty: Definitely Not Me

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||Chapter Forty: Definitely Not Me||

Thea's POV:

Like fire, conflict would rise higher until it was too much to handle. Too hard to survive. It would burn you until you're left with only one choice; to give up. 

What would ignite the flames? 

The exact thing that you thought would originally put it out. 


Usually someone's instinct when a fire started would be to blow it out. But we all knew how that would turn out, the red and orange tongues would lick higher and bigger until eventually, there would be almost nothing left of the fire's victim. 

Fire was a symbol of conflict. At least to me it was. 

Intrapersonal conflict, which was the conflict that an individual has with themselves. Their thoughts, their emotions.

If you thought about it, you could see where I came from. What would ignite the flames? The exact thing you thought would originally put it out.

Cameron was that 'thing'.

The call from yesterday afternoon was that 'thing'.


"Hello?" I asked wearily, my eyes shut tightly.

"Hey Thea." A voice cheered from the device I held to my ear and my eyes instantly widened at the sound.

"Nikki?" I was stunned to say the least. Why the hell would Nikki call me off Cameron's phone?

Oh great, they were probably going for round three at the whole sex thing. 

"Obviously, stupid." The annoying high-pitched voice of Nikki insulted through the receiver. 

 "What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth, clenching my fists, one at my side, one around the phone that was against my right ear. 

"Well, since you asked..."

Silence. I waited a minute and all that came from my cell was utter, complete, silence. Was she seriously dragging it out like that just to annoy me? Because it was working.

"Spit it out already." I groaned, resting my free clenched fist against my forehead in frustration. I had just about enough of her crap, if I was being honest. Which of course, I always was.

"I'm with your boy toy."

"Yes, I know that. You are calling off his phone." I rolled my eyes.

Why did she have to be so dense?

"Just thought I should let you know that he's waiting for me in his bedroom. You know, in his house right next door to yours."

"How nice of you." I felt my lip curl in a snarl. I really want to call her something that started with the letter 'B' right then but that would be stooping to her level of nastiness. 

I refused to do that. 

"I know right. Ciao! Kisses! I should probably get back to- Uh - Polly crackers -I should get going- Um-" 

So much for hating me, now she wanted to kiss me? Anyway... Not the point.

What was going on with her? She better not be pooping with me on the phone because that was what it sounded like with the noises she was making. 

She kind of sounded constipated, I thought with disgust. That wasn't something I wanted to imagine at all.

"Who is this?"

Thea [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now