Chapter Forty-One: Run

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||Chapter Forty-One: Run||

Thea's POV:

I must have forgotten to close the curtains last night because the sun decided to glare down at my sleeping figure. At least I used to be sleeping.

I groaned. Go away sun, let me sleep for five minutes gee, was that too much to ask for?

Obviously it was because I swore it seemed to shine brighter after I thought that. I groaned again and rolled over, shoving my face into my soft pillow.

Just as I felt myself finally drifting back to sleep, knocking sounded throughout my room to which I groaned at, for the hundredth time in the last few minutes.

Soon I'll be considered an ape or something with all this groaning.

"Go away already!" I croaked out in my very attractive morning voice. It was so attractive, even I couldn't handle hearing it.

"Honey, calm down, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going out for a couple hours or so. Work is calling." Dad poked his head into my room as he talked and I had to squint to look at him. Stupid sun.

"Okay dad, don't work too hard." I smiled a little. He was always neck deep in work, soon it would be too much and he wouldn't be able to breathe.

"I won't. I love you my little girl." Instead of glaring at his 'little girl' comment, my smile widened and my heart warmed.

"I love you too old man."

Dad narrowed his eyes in a playful manner, "Don't you mean 'young man'?"

"Nope, now off you go." I giggled as he just shook his head, mumbling about being young before he left.

"Oh hold on a second," He came back through my door. Could no one let me sleep around here?

I sighed, "Yeah?"

"You can make bacon and eggs for breakfast if you want. Or crumpets."

I thanked him, already excited for breakfast. I loved bacon and eggs. I meant it, my stomach literally just growled as I thought about it.

"Alright, bye now." Dad laughed, swiftly walking over to give me a kiss on the forehead before he was gone yet again.

Finally, I thought. Now for some beauty sleep. I stayed on my stomach, one leg bent up in a comfortable sleeping position before closing my eyes.

Oh, tell me what we're fighting for

It's turned into an all out war

I'll find a way to fix these broken pieces and let go

It took me a second to register what was happening before I screamed into my pillow.

I'm trying to find my way back home

"Nope, not answering, go away." I said out loud.

If it takes until I'm skin and bones-

"Yes? What do you want?" I grumbled out, lifting my body up by my left forearm, my phone pressing to my right ear.

"Gee, I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Lea greeted with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well you're like the third interruption I've had." I rolled onto my back, slinging my free arm over my eyes.

"What did I interrupt?" She asked with suspicion as obvious as the sun that was filtering through my windows.

"My beauty sleep!" I laughed.

Thea [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now