Chapter Twelve: Ells

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||Chapter Twelve: Ells||

Dedication: WrittenDreams3, I have dedicated the character Amanda to her :3 love you girl! ❤

Thea's POV:

I groaned and snuggled closer to my - very warm - pillow as the morning sun beamed onto my face. I groaned again, I didn't want to get up just yet, I was so comfortable and warm. I think that was the best sleep of my life and I didn't want to end this satisfied feeling I had, like ever. I buried my face deeper into my pillow except it didn't exactly feel like a pillow. It was warm, smooth, smelt like cinnamon and it was hard. It was also freaking moving!

What the hell? 

I opened my eyes and lifted my head to find Cameron with his forearm slung over his eyes, sleeping. I looked to where my head was resting just moments before to find Cameron's defined chest. He was so beautiful. It wasn't just his chest either, it was his straight nose, strong jaw, perfect lips, and his grey eyes that were looking at me right this moment.


Was he watching me the whole time I was checking him out? How embarrassing. I blushed from his knowing look. God, I was so screwed.

"Good morning, mi hermosa chica." Cameron greeted, his voice still like whiskey from just waking up.

"I swear if that means something bad then you better start running now, Player." I warned while resting my chin on his left peck so I could look at him properly. Cameron never used to call me 'chica', I knew that it meant girl because Cam called other girls it all the time. Even so, he had only just started calling me it the past two weeks and I didn't understand why.

"Don't worry, Lay. It's not bad." His eyes shone with sincerity.

"Okay. Well can I know what it means?" I begged, sticking my bottom lip out in a pout.

He looked torn, "I.. uh.. no, yeah um, nope." He said, distractedly then he cleared his throat and changed the subject. "So do you think you can move so I can get up?" He looked down towards our bodies. I followed his eyes to see that our legs were tangled together and I was practically on top of him. How come I never noticed before?

You were too entranced by his body! My brain spoke up.

How nice to speak to you again, Brain but shut up, I thought.

No, listen to what I have to think this time!

No, go away! I mentally yelled back.

I can't, I'm in your idiotic head.

Fine, whatever. Think away.

Thank you. You're being stupid... You have fallen for someone who would never in a million years love you back. He probably thinks of you like a sister. Get over yourself, my brain scolded.

Calm down and I know... But he almost kissed me! I debated.

He kisses all girls, you mean nothing in that way to him, She thought nonchalantly.

"Helloooo?" Cameron's voice brought me back from my inner debacle.

"Hmm? Oh right, sorry!" I untied my body from his, already missing the way he felt and literally ran away. To the bathroom.

"Chica, you okay?" I heard Cameron ask faintly from outside the door, thank the heavens that I had locked it.

I gripped the edge of the bathroom counter and gazed into my large mirror. My hear was knotty, my make up smudged and I had dark circles under my eyes causing me to groan. 

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