Chapter Six: The Reason Why You Don't Trust A Stranger

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||Chapter Six: The Reason Why You Don't Trust A Stranger||

Thea's POV:

It was so damn hot in here, Lea and I were both pretty drunk but Lea was such a lightweight that by now she could barely stand.

We were still dancing our worries away when Cole came up to us not so sober himself either.

"Hey ladies, how's it going tonight?" He looked at Lea while giving me a shot of vodka. I drunk mine then grabbed his one while he was distracted and drunk it, along with Lea's since she was too wasted. I was on about my 12th cruiser, I had been drinking them back for about an hour now. I grabbed Lea's bottle that was untouched, on the table and chugged that back too.

"Whoa, Thea, slow down." Cole warned with worry. Lea started dancing with Cole which thankfully distracted him from asking me why I wanted to get drunk so bad. The real reason was because I couldn't understand Cameron's deal.

One minute, he was pretty much ignoring me and the next, he was calling me beautiful? When his hands were around my waist and he was saying words of beauty, I couldn't deny that I felt sparks fly.

That had been happening since the very first time I met him and shook his hand. I didn't what it was until a few years later when it was already too late to get out of the 'friend-zone'.

I was going through puberty, sporting ugliness and so I didn't even try. He broke my heart when he started dating girls, then hooking up with them and god knew what else.

I brought myself back to the present and saw Lea starting to fall but Cole caught her before she fell. Aww, I want someone to catch me.

"Lets get her some fresh air," I nodded in agreement, "Back door?" He suggested.

"Good idea." I shouted over the music.

Just as we got outside, an unfamiliar guy came up to us.

"Hey, I'm Ryan." He introduced himself, smiling a secret smile like he had some sort of goal. Or maybe a curfew? I didn't know, I just tried focusing on one of his pairs of eyes. Where did curfew come from...

"Thea." I answered. Might as well make a new friend. I didn't get to do that often because my time was mostly occupied by Cameron or Lea.

We all started talking except Lea who was struggling to stand, when we heard a moan come from somewhere in front of us. I looked up only to see my best friend pushing some girl against the wall to the side of us.

"I can't believe he scored a hook up that easily with Nikki, I only left them ten minutes ago." Cole said in awe.

What? That was Nikki? he knew I hated her. How could he do that to me?

You're overreacting Thea.

But as their 'hook up' get more heated, I got so frustrated that when Ryan asked me to dance I dragged him away eagerly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as we started to walk across the lawn. 'What about us by The Saturdays'  was pounding through the speakers, well that was appropriate.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks, just a little dizzy from the alcohol, lets go upstairs so I can grab some pain relief, I just have to tell Cole." I said as I started stumbling towards Cole who was picking Lea up. I looked over at Cam who was grinding up against Nikki and I swore Nikki opened her eyes. I was pretty sure she looked straight at me but it was probably just the alcohol messing with me. I did have five shots of vodka and about a million bottles of cruisers, so I wasn't feeling that great. As you could probably imagine.

Thea [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now