Chapter Seven: My Angel

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||Chapter Seven: My Angel||

Cameron's POV:

I was sitting by Thea's bed holding her tiny soft hand, watching her sleep. I couldn't help but think that if I wasn't being so selfish by trying to get her out of my head in the first place then she wouldn't be here right now, in this pain.

I was such an asshole. I couldn't believe that this happened to her. I cared about Thea so fucking much it hurt and seeing her how I found her, I realized how much I cared about her in a 'more than a friend' way. I was so scared that I would lose her and never get the chance to hear her laugh again, her angelic voice, see her beautiful smile or electric blue eyes.

I would suffer everyday without her in my life, if she died or hated me for not saving her. Mierda, she probably hated you right now, asshat.

I would never tell her of my revived feelings because I didn't want to lose her. She might not want to talk to me ever again once she waked, I knew she was happy to see me before but she was in shock and upset. Right now I was just focusing on keeping her my best friend. On keeping the beautiful, strong, important girl in my life because I wanted to be there to protect her.

"Cameron." A soft angelic voice caressed my name in the darkened, hospital room. It was dark because well, it was only three in the morning.

I looked from where our hands were still entwined, up into her sad, terrified eyes. Oh, how I wish I could take her pain away and make it mine to suffer from instead.

"Lay Lay, you should be resting." I suggested, hearing the concern in my voice. She just shook her head looking like a girl who got lost in the world.

I kissed her hand gently, "I'm so sorry, Thea. So, so sorry." I kissed her forehead this time then looked into her eyes. I could usually read her like an open book but so many emotions pooled in her eyes that I couldn't tell what they were but when I noticed a tear falling down her beautiful face, I felt like I was punched in the stomach. Hard.

I lifted my hand, connected gently to her cheek and wiped away the fallen tear with my thumb.

"God, I'm sorry, please don't cry." I begged.

She just looked at me and smiled a small, genuine smile.

"You haven't done anything wrong, please do not apologize, Cam. You saved my life, I might not have been here if it wasn't for you. I love you even more for what you did for me, You know I'll always love you, I mean come on, you can't get rid of me that easily." She joked but when she saw my serious expression she sighed sadly before she carried on, "I was so sure I was going to die so thank you Cam, thank you for always being there for me. I would say that I didn't deserve you but really we do deserve each other. You're my best friend." She whispered, looking grateful as she put her hand over my hand.

Relief washed through my entire body. Thank god she didn't hate me, I couldn't believe how amazing she was.

Her hand's tender touch against mine shocked me, I mean we hugged all the time and stuff but this just seemed much more intimate.

I smiled at her. "I'm so glad you're okay, I don't know what I would do without your smart mouth bossing me around, I mean who else would I have midnight snacks with." I teased, winking at her. She smiled but then grew serious again after a few seconds.

"Seriously though," She said, looking into my eyes. "Thank you, Cam. I love you, You're the best friend anyone could ask for." She smiled.

Ouch, major burn. I suddenly really hated being in the friend zone.

"Don't thank me. I love you too, Lay Lay, and yes, well I am the sexiest guy in school." I smirked. "Who wouldn't want this body around them all day, every day?"

She just laughed as her eyes twinkled gorgeously with life again.

"I think you need something to deflate that ego of yours because now you're just stating things that are only in your dreams, Player" She faked concern, then winked. Huh! She knew I was right.

"You know it's true." I said, leaning in her face more. "You can't deny it." I whispered. I realized that maybe I was going too far, getting caught up in those eyes.

"Any girl would have to be lesbian to think you're not sexy as hell Cam, including me." She whispered. I knew she wasn't joking when I saw the sincerity in her eyes. The genuineness.

To say I was shocked was an understatement but before I could reply, the door creaked open. Her dad came in making Thea and I jump apart, startled.

"Oh, honey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Her dad, Nathan, inquired.

"I'm okay, dad." She answered.

He still looked like he wanted to ask more but kept quiet, knowing how stubborn she was.

Thinking they would want time alone, I hugged Thea, excusing myself, telling her I would be back later and left the room.

I ended up in the cafe at the hospital just sitting at a table by myself. The place was practically stranded since it was three in the morning but I ordered a black latte, a chocolate chip muffin and started thinking about Thea once more.

Thea was pretty lucky with the outcome of the whole situation. The doctor said there were no major damage or anything. Just bruised ribs, wrists, neck and swollen throat. Oh, the small multiple cuts on her arms and hands too, but he they were nothing to worry about at all.

Of course she wasn't lucky but at least she didn't die, I would have never been able to handle that. She didn't deserve all that was happening to her beautiful soul.

She was an angel, my angel and I would take a bullet for her anytime, any day, anywhere. 

* * *

Author's Note:

*Edited* (Damn, this is so cheesy xD)

Sorry guys, I know this chapter was short but it was just to see what Cam was feeling about what happened, not really a chapter but it was still just as important to read.

Please comment on what you think?

Don't worry I will be updating another chapter within the next 24 hours and I promise it will be longer and better!

Thanks for being so patient my fellow Wattpaddians! Love you all, lovely people xoxo

P.S. What do you guys think about Cameron? ;)

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