Chapter Thirty-Nine: Red Apples & Red Hoodies

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||Chapter Thirty-Nine: Red Apples & Red Hoodies||

Dedication: WrittenDreams3 I know that I've already dedicated a chapter to you but I wanted to again because without you, I wouldn't be where I am with this book today :) So I thank you with all my heart Mandzy x Thank you for being a friend, supporter and critique <3 

Thea's POV: 

I was walking. Just walking, nothing else.

What I meant by that was; No crying, no thinking, no feeling pain. 

Just walking. I didn't have the strength to do any of the previous three. Well obviously, I was thinking but not about anything that had happened, I was actually thinking of my bed and the comfort it would bring me soon enough.

Drained. Exhausted. Weak. Debilitated. Wearied. 

Five different words, five different ways of describing how I felt but all one meaning. It was just like how you could describe the earth as round, sphere-like, cirque. All the same shape. 

The only differences were that some words had a stronger effect or were more efficient to use than the others. For example, the earth was more commonly described as round rather than cirque or sphere-like. 

How I was feeling - tired - was commonly described drained or exhausted. The more effective word, or the more emotive word to describe how I felt would be weak. 

Feeling sad could be described melancholic or sorrowful. Feeling happy could be described as joyful or cheerful. Even content. 

Feeling love could be described as feeling tenderness, fondness, infatuation, affection, or what I would use to describe it as; Shattering, inevitable pain, unhealthy attachment.

In the end though, it all meant the same thing. All had the same definitions.

So much for not feeling pain or thinking about what happened Thea, I chuckled to myself as my feet trudged along the stony footpath. 

The houses that I passed were all dead to the world as were the streets. Walking around at night by myself always scared me but mostly everyone was asleep so I knew not to freak out too much.

Something wet dropped onto my forearm causing me to stare at it before looking up at the sky slightly. As soon as I tilted my head back, I instantly shut my eyes, facing down at the ground again. 

I stopped walking for a second and took my index finger, rubbing my left eye, the droplet of rain causing my eye to sting. 

I soon continued my way along the side of the silent street as the sky's tears descended upon me, slow at first then building until it was pouring down. The rain and dark sky reflecting my mood. 

I never fastened my pace as my clothes became saturated, just like my hair and pale skin. With a blurred perception, I strolled quietly in the deafening rain before something from my peripheral vision caught my attention.

A person to be specific. I covered over my eyes with my hand and squinted in their direction. All I could make out was a red hoodie. I didn't see the figure's face and couldn't see if they were male or female. 

I felt suspicion rising in my chest but quickly squashed it down. They're probably just trying to get home, out of the rain too. 

Well, that explained the hoodie. But why they were out in the rain at midnight? 

Oh, right! I was so stupid, they were probably at Luke's party as well!

I shrugged it off and looked up to see I had finally reached my house. 

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