Chapter Ten: Apples, Chocolate & A Hint Of Mint

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||Chapter Ten: Apples, Chocolate & A Hint Of Mint||

Thea's POV:

I needed to push him away again. Cameron was getting too close. He was being so sweet and caring that if I even looked once into his eyes genuinely instead of pretending to then I would cave in. He deserved better than me. Better than what I could offer as his best friend.

"Thea, I can't let you do this to yourself. I'm sorry," Cam muttered cautiously. Suddenly, Cam pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked to say the least, and it took me a few seconds to realize I wasn't even kissing him back. Cam started pulling away but I didn't want to let go just yet so I connected my hands to the nape of his neck and pulled his lips back to mine.

Cam's lips were warm and soft, moving slowly against mine. He tasted like apples, chocolate and a hint of mint from his toothpaste. Even though it was only a slow, sweet kiss, there were tingles on my waist from where his hands were placed. Desire swept through my entire body as he gripped me tighter. I bit his bottom lip lightly and he groaned in the back of his throat. He kissed me for a few seconds longer before pulling away from the best kiss I had ever experienced.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked breathlessly, this time I was looking straight into his soft grey eyes as I spoke.

He hesitated, his expression torn then he just shrugged, "I needed you to let me in and this was the only way that I could think of that would work."

"And you couldn't think of anything else other than kissing me?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't see how annoyed I was that he was acting like it was no big deal.

"It's what I know and do chica," He said slowly.

"You're such a player." I sighed. "I don't know why girls are all over you anyway," I said seriously, trying to pull off a straight face without laughing.

"Bite me," he scoffed.

"Already have." I winked at him, slipping back into our usual teasing.

He coughed trying to cover up his laugh at my fast comeback. That was the last straw before I started laughing and couldn't stop. It felt so good to laugh, I hadn't laughed since I came home the day before yesterday.

I fell backwards on the bed laughing so hard that I had to clutch my side. "Looks" gasp. "Like" gasp. Laugh. "It" laugh. "Worked" I finally got out.

I was still laughing when I heard a thump. What the hell?

I sat up and opened my eyes to see Cameron had fallen to the floor laughing uncontrollably too.

"Why are you laughing?"

He looked up at me, his eyes dancing with humour, "You're too funny."

"Oh, thanks." I said sarcastically "Not as funny as your face!" I know, lame come back but I couldn't think of anything else.

He started laughing harder until he was practically a crying mess on my carpet.

We continued to laugh until eventually we finally came back to reality. His molten silver eyes burned into my blue ones and he asked the question I knew was coming.

"Thea, why did you shut me out?" He asked sadly.

"Good reasons that I really should be sticking to right now."

"Care to elaborate?"

I sighed, "I don't deserve you, okay? I'm a slut that is to blame for everything that happened at that party," I murmured quietly but loud enough for him to hear. I looked at his face and his expression was one of pissed mixed with disbelief.

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