I Heard You Laugh as I Was Breaking

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The kitchen was warm as I made myself breakfast. The fire was lit and the warmth flooded the room. I had already fed the fox, which he had now become my top priority in my life as it's been a couple weeks since I've seen Swiss. I still have yet to name him but hopefully a name comes to mind soon. I've seen Sunshine twice at the river and we made some small talk but it was mainly me hearing about what she had to say because I had absolutely nothing going on.

I was heading back to the river today as it was apart of my daily chores. The long walk there wasn't as bad as it normally was because it was finally getting warm out. The blue sky had huge fluffy clouds that would block out the sun when they passed by. 

    I made it to the river to see that Sunshine was already sitting there picking at dandelions that had just begun to grow. I saw her slowly look up at me, and though I can't see her face I could tell that something was wrong.

   "Hey, are you alright?" I asked hopping over the river. She stayed silent for a second as she looked up at me.

   "The king has fallen ill this morning." Her voice shook. She had mentioned prior that she was close with the king. He had taken her in when she was younger because her parents had died so he was like her unofficial father. Though I don't have a single bone in my body that likes the king I understand what she is going through.

   "Oh, I'm so sorry." I knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder. I heard her sniffle a bit.

   "They don't know if he's going to make it." Her voice quivered. " I know I've told you this before but he really is like a father to me."

   "I'm sure he will get better." I tried to comfort. She just shook her head.

   "I hope so." She sighed. "It hurts to because Swiss doesn't even care. He's to caught up with his wife to even notice. I guess he's just waiting to be king at this point." She pulled her knees to her chest and grumbled. I cringed at her words but I didn't really know why. It's a good thing that he likes his wife now.

   "I'm sure once he settles down with her and gets used to everything he will start to care."

   "I dunno, he's never got along with him. It's been worse to since he's come back from that witches house." She spat the last words out. I didn't even know she knew about that.

   "A witches house?" I was intrigued about what she had heard about me.

   "Yeah, Swiss ran away as I told you the first time we met but I just found out she was a witch." The small woman huffed. "I can't believe he lived with a witch with all the horrible things he had heard about them. I think it's worse that he enjoyed the stay with her, that means he likes old ass women!" She threw her hands in the air. I had to bite my tongue to hold back a laugh.

"Maybe-" I had to cough to mask the laughter that was going to come out. "Maybe the witch was young or nice or something." Her eyes seemed to light up at this.

"Maybe she can help the king!" She jumped up. "Oh, thank you for helping me realize this! I need to tell Swiss!" She placed both hands on my shoulders, nodded then ran off.

"Shit." I said aloud realizing what I had just done.

Well I guess it's time to fix up that healing potion paper. I thought to myself as I plunged the bucket into the water making sure to catch a fish in the process.

The house was still warm as I walked in, almost unbearably so as the heat outside made its way in here. I put the water onto the fire and handed the fox the fish I had caught for him.

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