You Just Want a Pretty Face

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   "So how are you?" Sunshine asked. We were both sat at the river just talking.

"I'm doing well." I smiled. "You?"

  "I'm doing good! There is a ball that we are hosting soon so I'm excited for that." 

  "Really? That's gonna be fun." I smiled at the princess.

"I would invite you but I know the king or Victoria wouldn't approve of it... I'm sorry that things are like this." She spoke quietly.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it, party's aren't real my thing anyway." I shrugged, looking off in the direction of the castle. You could faintly see the top of a tower on.  When I looked back at Sunshine, Aether was right behind her. I jumped at not realizing he was there. "When did you get here?"

   He laughed. "Just now, you were looking up for a while." He looked back down at Sunshine. "Victoria wants to see you."

She looked at him with a tilt in her head. "Why?" She asked. Aether shrugged. "Well I'll see you later, (Y/n)!" She bounced up and began her way back to the castle.

"And you," Aether pointed at me. "The queen wants to see you."

"Again?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"She told me to get you with a smile on her face, I don't think it's anything bad." He chuckled. Then I realized it was probably about my dress.

"Are we leaving now?"


I got up, dusted myself off and by the time I was finished Aether was on the other side of the river. I went to jump over to join him. One foot left the ground before the other followed. It was a small river but I guess my body wasn't up for moving today because I immediately felt myself slip from the other side and about to land in water, but before I could Aether grabbed my hips and swirled me around so I was facing both him and the river. My face grew warmer as I looked down in embarrassment.

"Careful there, love." He smiled with a slight laugh. His hands still on my hips while my hands were on his shoulders.

"Thank you." I squeaked out, letting go of him.

We began our journey back to my house and through the tunnel with no further issues. I tried my best to not think about what had just happened as we decided to talk about what is going on in Swiss's life.

For instance, he was getting ready for the ball and helping everything get set up so it runs smoothly. He's taken up fencing with Dew and has been learning more about what it is going to be like as king. While Victoria has been having the time of her life having all her friends over to partake in walking around the gardens and eating food.

I don't know why but it made me jealous knowing that she had probably never had to work for anything, ever. She got everything handed to her. Fame, money, a huge place to live, friends,

an attractive husband.

"Are you going to this ball?" I asked as we climbed up the stairs.

"Yeah, it's a pretty big deal. It's an alliance between this kingdom and the neighboring one." He said as he opened the door to the hallway. "I don't know why we are bothering though because the king isn't coming."

"Then who is?"

"The queen and her youngest son."

"Interesting." I said as Aether pushed open the door to the room that the queen was in last time. There the queen was sitting with two other women standing next to her.

"Ah, (Y/n) so glad you could make it!" The queen clapped her hands together. "Aether, thank you for bringing her."

"Not a problem, your highness." The man smiled.

"I'll take this from here, can you find Swiss and tell him that he can go take a break for a bit. He should be with his father."

"Right away, your highness." He bowed and left the room. I watched as he left then turned back to the queen who had a smile on her face.

"Ready to get a dress?" She questioned with a bright smile, which I returned. She then walked back to another room to which I followed.


"No, it should go there." One of the seamstresses pointed at the bottom of my dress. They had been sewing this dress for about three hours now and I haven't been able to sit once. They were just now getting to the outer layer of the dress. The queen had left about an hour in because she knew the king would be looking for her.

"How much lace do you want?" One of them asked.

"Um, whatever you think is best." I stammered. The seamstress gave a confused look. This is the first time someone else has made me a dress. Normally I get Rowan to do it. It's much more comfortable when he does it.

"Do you not know what you want? Like color or style?" She asked with a tilt in her head.

"Not at all, do what you want." I shrugged. I saw both the women look at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Darling, we are going to make you look amazing!" The one standing beamed.

"Definitely, people don't give us creative liberties enough. I'm so glad the queen is allowing us to work on someone like you!"


"How are things going in here?" The queen came back around an hour later.

"Very well, I say we should be done with this dress in around two more days. We have everything sketched out." The taller woman spoke.

"Wonderful, may I see or is it a surprise?" She laughed a bit.

"You can see." Said the shorter one who was holding the parchment with the sketch on it flipped the paper.

"Oh, that's beautiful." The queen put her hand on her chest. "That dark green is really going to compliment your skin." She said and I blushed at her words.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Are you ladies done with the measurements? I need to get her home soon."

"Yes, she is free to go."

"Wonderful, I'll get Aether to bring you back." She said as she left the room again.

"Darling, you are going to look amazing."

"Better then the queen to be, most likely." The other piped up.

"Oh stop, I'm sure her dress is amazing." I argued.

"No really! Her dress is nice but purple isn't her color." The shorter one protested.

"I agree, I feel a warmer tone would look much better." The taller one turned her head to speak to the shorter.

"Well thank you guys for this, I can't wait for the finished product!" I smiled at the two women as I left the small room into the other one. When I closed the door behind me Aether was already standing there.

"Ready to head home?" He held his arm out for me to take.

"Mhm." I took his hand as we headed back through the closet.

Word count 1184

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