Last look

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Turns out god never had me in his care. He was never on my side. In fact he must have hated me for giving me this luck, if you can even call it luck.

I walked into class and was met with stares. As usual I ignore it giving myself blissful ignorance. "Alright everyone we will be doing a group project. And I will be picking your group partner for you." Ms.Elie said. I liked her, she was a nice respectable almost elderly woman. She always smelled like gingerbread and her voice was soft.

People groan and huff acting like children as I ignore them staring at the window. I watch as the raindrops pass each other and morph with others as they run down. I was so concentrated that I almost didn't hear my name.

"Last but not least, Arden Swan and Rosalie Hale." Ms.Elie said finishing off the list. Everyone suddenly whispers and murmurs. I can feel her heated gaze bore into my head but I ignore it opting to stare at the raindrops. I hear the chair next to me move. "So we are to work together." A cold voice says bitterly.

I sigh and get up packing my things. "Email me your part I'll do the rest. No need for fake moralities." I sling my bag over my shoulder and start walking out ignoring her confused gaze and the students. As I walk out I decide to skip the rest of the day. Not feeling like talking with anyone or hearing people talk like squeaking mice.

I walk to my bike putting my helmet on and driving to La Push. I made my way to Billy's house to see if I can hangout there for a while. "Hello- oh Arden? what are you doing here you have school." Billy says opening the door.
"Too many pale faces and me a headache so I ditched." I said shrugging as if it was nothing.

He nodded chuckling before letting me in. We sat and watched TV catching up on things we missed. It soon became 2:45 when Billy asked me if I could pick up Jake from school. I obliged since he let me ditch school with him.
I get on my bike and drive to the reservation school. Stopping at the entrance taking the helmet out for him.

I see him walk out with his head low and what it looks to be like Sam's group watching him. I frown at the thought of them bullying him. I've known Paul for a while and we would email back and forth. He's notorious for being a hot head but to bully someone is something new. I cup my hands to my mouth. "Jake!" I say getting his attention...and maybe the attention of some other students. He smiles and jogs at me.

"French fry? what are you doing here? didn't they tell you only tan people allowed?" Jake says smiling at his own jokes. I roll my eyes chuckling at him before responding. "Your dad wanted me to come pick you up. So here I am" I hand him the helmet at the end of my sentence. He looks at me confused while putting it on. "But isn't Forks 21 minutes away from La Push? How'd you get here so fast?" He gets in and holds onto my jacket as I start the bike.

"I skipped school to hang out with your dad." I shrugged like it was nothing and started driving to his house. We make it to his front steps and he takes the helmet off giving it to me. "Thanks for the ride! are you gonna come in?" Jake said trying to calm his helmet hair. "No, but tell your dad I had a nice time talking to him. I'll come by later." He nods and goes inside as I drive away. I saw many people outside our house, confused I parked the bike running to my dad.

"What happened?" I look at him as he suddenly moves his head to the opening of the forest. Coming out is Sam holding a sleeping Isabella. I looked confused to see her. "Thank you so much Sam." Dad picks her up from Sam's arm. Slowly everyone starts leaving giving us good luck. Still confused about what's going on I plan to ask about it tomorrow. I decided to shower and go to bed. I wasn't hungry so it didn't matter.

Emmett crawled in from the window and saw a sleeping boy in a bed. He sighed and the air in his throat formed a lump. This was the last time he will get to see Arden. Emmett pulled the covers onto his shoulder and lightly barely touched him started tracing his facial shapes with his finger. He wanted to at least remember his face one last time before he went. He looks around and covers his eyes with his hands trying to stop the warm tears from forming in his eyes. He looked at Arden one last time before leaving. He drily cried all the way home and stomped his  way to the car not sparing a second glance at anyone. Not even Rosalie. Even if he and Rosalie weren't mated they were best friends. She knew he loved Arden. She knew they were mates. She was just scared for him. He was her rock. And she was his. She would protect him through everything and he would too. So seeing his usual goofy smile off his face but instead of pain and tear threatening eyes it broke her dead heart. She hated Edward for doing this. She hated Isabella for doing this. But most of all she hated herself. Because she couldn't do anything else to prevent this.

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