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It's been a couple of days since I saw Emmett. It haunts me, his dark eyes, the blood, the animal...the predatorial look in his eyes. It's...scary. As childish as it sounds, but it's true. I've never felt true fear, I doubt that what I felt was fear and I mean true true fear.

I haven't talked to anyone about it, it's not like I can anyway. No one would believe me...well maybe not no one. I rushed to my computer and hesitated. Would he believe me? or would he say I'm crazy.'s now or never.

"Uhm hello? do you not know what time it is? I'm tired man." his voice ran through laced with tiredness. "I know I know. I'm sorry Lucas, I...I just have no one to talk to about this." My voice shook and my eyes were shifty. "Wow- Den..are you okay? what's wrong?" His eyes widened with worry.

"I think I'm going crazy. I..I can't think, I can't eat, I can't sleep, it's too much for me to understand I need your help." My voice cracks as I hold my head in my hands. " to me what's wrong?" He stood up completely now wide awake.

I stood quiet, trying to think of how to explain it. Slowly but surely the words came out of my mouth like vomit. "okay okay OKAY!" he yelled over the call. That's what made me quiet enough to look at him through tear riddled eyes. "Emmett is a vampire, is that what you're trying to say?" When he said it out loud it did sound crazy. But then again everything has been weird lately.

"...yes, listen okay just listen! I know I sound crazy a-and I know it's all weird. But I promise I'm not! and before you ask no, I didn't skip my medicine. I drank my pills so I'm not hallucinating again." I tried to explain to try and get him to understand where I'm coming from at least.

"Okay, I believe you. I believe you, Ms.Liren told us of the possibility of vampires in certain places of the world. But I never thought she was telling the truth. I thought she was crazy." Lucas talked in a calming voice to help my nerves. "Yeah, me too. But it turns out it's true." I picked at my lips, a nervous manner I picked up over the years. "He was drinking animal blood too...maybe he's one of those vampires. The good ones." He explained softly. "Yeah, maybe. Listen Lucas, thank you. For listening to me and calming me down." I let out a breath of relief.

"Of course man, I'm always here to calm that overwhelming head of yours." I laughed slightly at his jab. It's true. I get overwhelmed easily over the littlest of things. "Alright. I'll let you go back to sleep. Goodnight Lucas." I smiled gently. "Goodnight Den." He hung up.

I turned my computer off and laid in bed. I'm not usually one to want an answer or jump to conclusions. But I needed to know it, it was like an itch at the back of my head that I couldn't reach. Tomorrow....I'll ask him. Tomorrow I'll face the truth of Emmett Cullen.

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