Prince Charming

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                             I going crazy? I mean I might be..I did quite just say my god, knowing me I'd be struck down by lighting. I'm not religious but this makes me very religious...he makes me religious. In a good way of course. Is there even a good way to be religious?

"Hey? hello? Earth to Arden?" Oh right I'm at his house. "Huh? oh uhm sorry what happened?" Emmett chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I asked if you wanted pasta or lasagna. Where'd you go in that brain of yours?" I looked around and realized they were looking at me, this is embarrassing. "Uhm pasta, pasta is good" Wow that was so smooth Arden really. "Okay, I'll fix you a plate" Esme said with a gentle smile. She really is gorgeous. "Mrs.Cullen it's okay I can do it, you've already done so much for me." I got up from the chair I was on and made my way towards her. "Nonsense, you're a guest I can handle this. Why don't you go sit down, and please dear call me Esme. Mrs.Cullen makes me feel old" She chuckled at the last part and so did I. "On the contrary you look very young and beautiful Mrs- Esme." I caught myself in the end as she shot me a happy smile and laughed holding my arm..cold?

"You flatter me." I sent her a smile and chuckled. "Now if I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to butterup my wife." Carlisle came from behind her and put his hand on my shoulder with a joking smile. "Buttering her up? Not at all I'm just stating the obvious. You as well are an attractive young man, some would say you could be the next top models. I wholeheartedly agree." Carlisle smiles wide and throws his head back laughing as Esme smiles and I chuckle. "You are a delight to speak too, you should come over more." He patted my shoulder as Esme gave me my plate and I sat down. "Wow...Esme this is wow"

My mouth basically watered as I looked at the plate, I didn't waste any time and took a bite

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My mouth basically watered as I looked at the plate, I didn't waste any time and took a bite. It was amazing, the best plate of pasta I've ever had in my entire life. "Mmhmmm" I chewed and closed my eyes savoring it. I know I look dumb but Jesus it was good. "You like it?" Esme said. Bless her heart this is better than ever. "Like it? Esme this is the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. Can I please come over more? can you adopt me? I'll pay you but please. This is so good"

I didn't want to look like I've been starving but it was too good. "Oh dear! of course you can come over more. The adoption part but I'll cook more for you. I'm glad you love it." There were a few chuckles in the room as I ate. I finally finished and leaned back in the seat. "Wow" I got up and grabbed the plate to wash it. By then everyone dispersed. It was just Emmett and I. "You okay? you look like you're gonna pass out." He let out a laugh and shook his head. "Yeah, I just need a nap. I think I'm gonna have a food coma." He laughed again and smiled. "My family likes you, Esme thinks you're charming and Carlisle thinks you're humble." I looked at him as I cleaned the plate. "Really?" He nodded and leaned on the counter.

"Rosalie thinks you're kind and likes how you speak your mind, Jasper finds you... calming in a way." I blushed under his gaze, the way he looked at me was so intense that I couldn't even dare to look at him. "And the rest?" I put the plates back and turned to face him with my arms crossed. That's when he huffed and his head hung low. "You caught me there. Alice...she thinks you're...rude and stuck up. Edward thinks you're too judgemental and think higher of yourself." He looked at me at the end. I wish I could say I felt some kind of sympathy for the siblings but I didn't. "Well..that's what they believe of me then so be it. I'm not gonna beg for their approval." He walked closer to me and put his hands on my waist. "And I wouldn't want any less of you." He leaned in and we kissed. This time more... romantic than the last one, more passionate.

He sat me on the counter as I put my arms around his neck. From this angle it was deeper. "Ahem" We pulled apart to see Jasper and Alice. Great. "We don't mean to interrupt but... Isabella texted and said your dad told you to come home." Jasper spoke with a smirk on his face. I hopped down from the counter and blushed as I grabbed my back that Jasper held. "Sorry for interrupting." He winked and patted my back in a joking manner before him and Alice went upstairs. She didn't speak much just had her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

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