Cat fight

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I smiled as I sat on the couch thinking about him. He's the only thing that's been on my mind since he came to Forks. I couldn't stop thinking of him, his smile, his laugh, his voice, his smell, everything. The way he gets lost in his own head, or even how he's so strongly opinionated but yet keeps to himself. I chuckled thinking about our last conversation. We texted all day yesterday, he told me about his old school and his friends. I told him about my 'life' I bullshited my way through it but it's okay.

"Looks like someone is in love." I turned to my left and saw Rosie my best friend. I smile and shake my head. "Thinking of him?" She questions teasingly. "Is it that obvious?" She throws her head back and laughs. She sounds like an angel when she laughs. "Is it obvious? Emmett you've been smiling, giggling, and staring off into space for the last 30 minutes. If you could you would've been blushing by now." I smile and laugh.

I know she means well by the teasing, this is the first time I've ever felt this type of way for someone. At first she was hesitant about it. I mean I understand why she does, he's a human and we're vampires. He can't be in our world, it'll cause mishaps. But after seeing how I felt for him she started slowly opening up to the thought of being his friend. Don't get me wrong she still hates humans especially Bella. But she understands the bond that Arden and I have. She's willing to be friends with him. For me.

Rosalie laid her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her. To the outside we look like a couple, but in reality we're just friends. She's more like my older sister if I'm being honest. She means the world to me and I know I mean the world to her too. "So when will we get to meet this Arden guy?" Oh and that's Carlisle he's our adoptive father and his lovely wife Esme our adoptive mother. "Well... hopefully soon. We talked and he's comfortable with meeting you. But not too soon." He nodded and smiled.

"I'm glad you found your mate Emmett." Esme gave me a motherly smile and patted my shoulder. "Thanks Esme. It means a lot" That's when I turn to Jasper. "You don't have to meet him so soon Jaz." I reassure him. He smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry, his blood doesn't affect's rather calming, his emotions are calm and somewhat gentle." He shrugs "I'll like to officially meet my soon to be brother in law." I belt out a laugh as he winks.

"Well I don't like him. He's rude and very judgy." Alice crossed her arms. "That's because you were very demanding and jumped on him. You need to approach him slowly." Rosalie answered rolling her eyes. "So what? Is he an animal now?" Alice huffed. "No he isn't an animal, he's just closed off and it doesn't help when an overly optimistic fairy jumps all over him." Rosalie snapped at Alice. Since Bella came into the picture everything has been tumbling down.

Rosalie and Alice used to be good friends, always shopping and laughing together. But since Bella came it just went downhill and fights started happening. They can't be in a room together or else something would end up broken. Alice shrieked and stomped upstairs as Jasper rolled his eyes and followed behind her. I sent him an apologetic look and he just nodded. Alice is a nasty person when she doesn't get her way. Edward was at Bella's house so he wasn't even part of the conversation.

We all went back to normal, I was playing Mario Cart, Carlisle was reading while Esme looked at new furniture next to him, Rosalie was looking at a car part magazine for her new car, Jasper was reading one of the thousands of history books he has and correcting them, and Alice...well I don't know and I don't care. 

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