The calm before the storm

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Today was the day, I had already brushed my teeth, showered, and got dressed. I couldn't eat though. My stomach couldn't handle another thing right now, it was already littered with butterflies and nerves.

I rode my bike to his house, as I made it to the drive way I see there were no cars but his. One...breath...two...breath...thr- " came." My head raised up quickly and I looked at him. "" I was cut off as he spoke with urgency. "Alice saw it...she told me." ..saw it? "She saw it?" at that he shut his eyes and sighed before moving to the side letting me in.

I walked in and stood 4 feet away from him. Not out of fear, but out of caution. He saw how I stood away from him and his expression turned to one of pain? hurt? sorrow? all of the above? it's hard to decipher. "It's hard to explain. But please, let me tell you everything and then you can decide if you want to be with me or not...please Arden." His voice held desperation.

"Fine, tell me everything. But I want the truth and nothing but the truth." For the first time in a while my voice held assertiveness. "I promise I'll tell you anything you want." I hope he's telling the truth. I can't stand liars.

He led me to the kitchen and gave me a cup of water to calm me down. I took a sip and let out a breath as he sat in front of me and started to talk. "In 1935, I was mauled and attacked by a black bear. I had no chance of surviving, I was losing blood fast and...I thought it was the end. But Rosalie came and she took me to Carlisle, he turned me into a vampire. And since then Carlisle, Rosalie, Edward, and Esme became my family. Jasper and Alice came later in life."

"Oh...I'm sorry that happened to you. But...all of you are vampires?" I shifted in my seat slightly. "Yes, all of us are vampires but we only drink animal blood! it's a running joke that we're 'vegetarian' because animal blood is like tofu for humans." I laughed a bit at his analogy. "Are there any questions?" He leaned back way less tense seeing as I was relaxed. "Absolutely." Thoughts ran through my head like a broken record on repeat.

"Shoot" He tapped his fingers on the table. "Do you have to be dying in order to change?" "Yes." "Does it hurt to change?" "Absolutely." "How so?" "It's like fire starting at the tips of your toes slowly rising up to your head" "You said Alice saw me coming. What does that mean?" He paused. Almost like he was thinking of what to say. "Carlisle has this theory, some vampires have gifts...powers if you will. He says those who have these gifts most likely had them when they were alive but the venom of the bite increased when they turned." oh...she has powers? who else has them.

"So who else has it?" "Jasper is an empath, he can feel and control emotions, Alice has visions, Edward can read minds, Rosalie has her beauty, I have my strength, Carlisle has his patience, and Esme has her calling aura." Is that why I felt so calm around her? "Are there more like you?" "many many more, but. Some aren't vegetarians like us, many of them like humans for food." "Hm..that helps thanks." my voice was sarcastic. "Right sorry." I shook my head "it's okay. do you guys have any rules?" "Oh we have our own kingdom. In Italy there are our...'rulers' they help keep the vampire word under control. For instance, one of the rules is don't reveal the vampire world to humans, don't harm another vampire's mate, and don't make vampire babies."

"Wait..mates and babies?" I was trying to understand this information even though it was bizarre.. "It's like a soulmate but stronger, more powerful your souls are intertwined as one. The baby's part is because a long time ago a coven turned a baby into a vampire and it killed an entire village." I nodded and took the last sip of my water. "Is that all?" He grabbed the cup and cleaned it. "Yeah...that's it."

"I want to be completely honest with you Arden." I froze at that and looked at him with an arched brow. "We're mates...and I really like you. A lot. This is the first time I've ever felt this way for anyone, but I don't want you to feel trapped or rushed. So if you don't want to be with me or you don't want to be with me I-" I couldn't stand his rambling. "I never said I didn't want to be with you. I like you to Emmett. But let's take it slow okay?" It was as if a builder lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you, thank you so much." He hugged me tightly.

I hugged him back before I realized how it was dark out. We bid our goodbyes as I drove back home. With a clear mind and a small smile on my face. Everything was perfect.

The red headed figure watched from the trees as the blond haired boy drove off. She had a dark smile on her face as she followed close behind watching his every more. She vowed to avenge her lover. One way or another...

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