First laugh

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It was a good day today. For once the sun was shining and the students weren't gossiping. I decided to ditch class all together and just sit outside and read. No one cares, the teachers care less since I'm at the top of the class.

"Why were you so mean to Alice?" There goes my peace of mind. "Leave me alone Isabella" I take the last puff of my cigarette and turn off the burner. "Alice was only trying to be nice and you just blew her off. I mean do you have to be such a dick to her?" she walked in front of me and crossed her arms. "I don't like her, she's stuck up and thinks that she can boss people around. News flash she's a snobby rich kid with daddy's money" I roll my eyes and get up to walk away.

"Don't you get it? they're popular! they can bring your reputation up. If you don't be nice to her I'll-" she walked in front of me again and pushed me. I got in her face. "Or what Isabella? you're gonna run to Edwards family and cry wolf? or are you gonna call dad and make his life hell again because you're a spoiled brat that's too fucking lost in the head to realize other people live in this world not just you." I pushed past her and walked to my bike.

I couldn't be around her so I left. I found this clearing in the woods near a water fall a while ago. So I just sat down and started reading, I know I shouldn't ditch school but I couldn't be around the Cullen's stares and Isabella's whiny voice. "Hello?" I look up and grabbed my pocket knife dad gave to me. "Wow! I didn't mean to startle you." Emmett Cullen "It's fine..just been jumpy these days." I mumbles out. "Missed you these days French fry." he sat down next to me.

"You missed me?" I was confused at his words. "Yeah, I missed your smart mouth and free will." he laughed. And for the first time in a long time...I laughed with him. "So how'd you find this place?" he shifted and looked around. "I ditched school and didn't want to go home so I walked around..and I found this place." I don't know why but I answered sincerely. "How did you find this place?" I tilted my head. "I got tired of being in a family full of couples. The constant reminder that I have no one got too much and I needed a break from Alice and her constant push to be 'perfect'" He rolled his eyes and we shared another laugh.

We stayed there for a while talking and laughing. And before we know it, it was late and my dad was texting me. "Oh..I have to go home.." I looked at my phone to see the text. "It's fine, how about I give you my number and so we can hang out again?" He smiled flashing his dimples at me and I smiled at him. "Yeah, of course" I gave him my phone and we exchanged numbers. I got up and we bid our goodbyes before I went home.

I ignored Isabella's whines of me being rude and my dad's occasional eye roll at her dramatics. I gave him a brief run down on my day before grabbing heated up leftovers and going to my room to tell my friends about my day.

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