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I stare at him with confusion, hurt, fascination, and fear. He stared back at me with fear or what I think is fear. This couldn't be happening, not to me at least not in real life. My boyfriend is a vampire. A fucking vampire.

It all started normal, I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, got on my bike, and went to the secret hideout Emmett and I shared. I sat down and started to write, today we wouldn't be able to meet up since he had a camping trip with his family. They do it every sunny day, so I just minded my business and wrote. Until I heard a noise, this is Forks, Washington. So I know there must be bears, I got up planning to leave before I became someone's lunch.

I try walking fast to the trail where my bike is located. Then I hear it again, but louder. It was a growl, I knew it was closer so I tried to run. But I lost track of the trail, I was lost in the woods with no service. I walked around trying to find a familiar path when I heard a twig snap. I turned around and that's when I saw him, Emmett Cullen. He was bent over a bear, his mouth and shirt were bloody, his eyes were dark, and his fangs were sharp.

That brings me to the current situation. We just stare at each other, too afraid to move or speak. "...Arden..." his voice is so sultry so sweet. But his look was feral and afraid. "Please, let me explain." He came closer to me slowly. I moved back, not because I was worried he'd kill me, but out of shock. He saw that I moved and his expression turned to pain. "You're a vampire.." He sighed at my statement. "Arden please let me explain everything." He again tried to get closer. I ran, I ran as fast as I could to my bike. His voice rang loudly behind me, his footsteps were loud.

I got on my bike and sped home, I broke many street rules but I didn't care, I finally made it home and locked myself in my room. I panicked, I was scared, I grabbed my phone to call Lucas. But he wouldn't believe me, he'd say I'm crazy and call my doctor to up my dosage. I threw my phone on the ground and sat on the floor with my back to the bed, my head was in my hands as I tried to think. Then I heard knocking on my window.

"Arden? please...I know you're in there, please don't be scared of me. I just want to talk..." He was here, and he's pleading with me. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I was ashamed. After a while of his pleading he finally left. And I was alone, all that could comfort me was my thoughts and the voices in my head telling me what to do. I'm scared...ashamed...nervous..and anxious. I lov- like Emmett. But this is too much, I have to think.

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