Cherish them

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If someone was to tell me that I'd be 17 years old and dying. I'd say they're crazy and roll my eyes. Death was a concept that was rather controversial with me. I never believed in heaven or hell, I never believed in karma after death. I was a denier, none of it was true to me and I'd think you're weird if you even try to talk with me about it. But here I was, laying down on a metal slate, my heartbeat had stopped completely, and I wasn't breathing anymore. I could hear light shuffle like moments all around me, yet I couldn't pinpoint where it was. The pain had simmered down to just the static feeling you would get when your leg falls asleep. But this time I couldn't move around to fix it. Crazy, isn't it? One minute you're talking with someone and joking, the next you're lying in a thick pool of your own blood. Now I understand the phrase "cherish your loved ones" A minute could cost more than anything. The world went quiet. For a split second everything went quiet. Suddenly all that could be heard was feet pattering gently. It sounded hesitant. As if they were too afraid to walk any closer now. Feeling a cold porcelain like hand move to hold my cold dead hands, a soft voice ran out. They sound like they've been crying, all that could be heard was soft whimper like sounds. Call me crazy, but I knew who it was. And I wished nothing more than to comfort them.

"I'm so sorry, Arden. I shouldn't have brought you over to this world. I'm so selfish, you don't understand the guilt I feel. I wish we never met; I wish I didn't have to constantly hurt you. It's wrong, I knew it was wrong. But I fucking loved you too much to leave you alone. I tried to, I tried to do it. But being without you was like drowning in a pool of a thousand oceans. You don't understand the love I have for you; I can't think when you're not around. I can't...I can't continue living this world without you." The soft voice of Emmett ran in my ears. The dry sobs leaving his throat burned my ears, I wanted nothing more than to ease the cries and woes he held. The guilt was eating him away and I couldn't do anything to stop it. He laid his head over my unbeaten heart, trying to find the faint beat of what was there. All I want to do is ease him, I wish I could just tell him. I try to speak but nothing comes out, my hands laid with one holding his and my other laid against the cold metal. The only things that could be heard now was his soft whimpers and the movement of the table underneath us.

"..Come back to me..come back to me baby, please. I promise to give you all my love and devotion. Till death do us part." Emmett sounded desperate, as if he was pleading with someone of high power. I started to get frustrated with myself, trying to bring my hand up I wanted to consol him. My fingers twitched slightly as I put my energy into it. Wracking my fingers through his short hair he froze. It was as if someone had him under a spell of some sort. My eyes opened softly as I tried to adjust to the light. A soft gasp left his throat as I looked up at him, tears prickled my eyes as I saw him. He looked so different, his eyes were darker, and his face was sunken in. It looked as if he hadn't eaten in so long. A frown made its way across my face as I place my hand on his cheek. A sob wracked his body as he looked at me with a smile. "Emmett...what have they done to you?" As I finished my sentence, he picked me up and held me tight to his chest. 

The grip in which he held me in should be able to break me in half. But for an unfathomable reason, I found myself hugging him back in the exact same grip. It was like I was too scared he might disappear. With how everything has been lately I'm surprised he hasn't yet. The hold lessens a bit as I looked at him, both out eyes filled with venom as we just took in each other's appearance. A smile grew on my face as I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled him into a love filled kiss. In what I can't show verbally, I show him physically. Pulling back from the kiss we place our foreheads against each other. A chuckle left my throat as I spoke. "I'm here baby..I'm here."

Hey guys, I know I've been away from quite some time. I promise I didn't forget about you guys; I've just been busy with school and family. I've been planning a family trip for my sweet 16th, and I've been studying for my license. I haven't had much time to write, and when I do have time, I just get the worst writer's block. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And I promise to try and post more. With love- TJ<3

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