Despre Tine

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It had been about a week since Douma found out about me being able to speak English

Nothing has really been different he treats me the same , that's the one thing I like about Douma

He doesn't treat me differently after an argument

I sat in my room at the small table , I had checked the note book but nothing new was in it

So to tend to my bored esa I pulled out some paper and an ink pen and started writing the lyrics to a song I liked

I got about half way down the paper when Douma showed up

" I didn't think you'd be awake this early" he said sitting next to me rather than in front of me

"Mhm " I mumbled out

He looked at the paper

"Hm what is that"he asks as he looks at my paper

I look at him and sigh

"It's a song I like" I said simply and he smiled

"Ahh!! So you know another language how cool!! What does it say!" He said shouting like a young child

With his shouting he also came closer to me grabbing my shoulders , I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach and I felt my face get warm

I shake my face

No no no!! 

"I um i don't speak Romanian well , in fact I don't really speak it at all " I explain and he nods

"Well if it's a song you like you must know the lyrics" he says and I nod

He was right , I did know the lyrics

"Alright then" I say and he claps

"The song is called Despre Tine " I say and he nods

"What does that mean?" He asks and I shrug "I don't really know" I say and he nods as I go on

"The first stanza is this "

"Mă trezesc cu tine-n gând,
Despre tine vreau să cânt,
Melodia mea de dor,
Care place tuturor."

Douma face brightens a little and he turns to me again "what's it mean in English?" He ask and I smile

"The English translation of this part"

"I wake up with you in mind
I want to sing about you
My melody of longing
That everyone likes"

Douma nods staying quiet urging you to continue

"Nu răspunzi la SMS,
Eu îţi scriu atât de des,
Poate m-am purtat urât,
Dar să ştii că te-am iubit."

"You don't respond to the SMS
I write to you so frequently,
Maybe I behaved badly
But know that I loved you."

"Mă înec în ochii tăi larolararolei,
Plânge lumea după ei larolararolei.
Eşti un înger pe pământ,
Despre tine cânt,
Şi zi şi noapte larolei."

"I'm drowning in your eyes la la la la lei
The world cries for them la la la la lei
You're an angel on the earth
I sing about you,
both day and night, la la lei."

"Mă înec în ochii tăi larolararolei,
Plânge lumea după ei larolararolei.
Eşti un înger pe pământ,
Despre tine cânt,
Şi zi şi noapte larolei."

"I'm drowning in your eyes la la la la lei
The world cries for them la la la la lei
You're an angel on the earth
I sing about you, both day and night"

"Dacă mergi cu mine-n vis,
Am să te învăţ să râzi,
Şi-am să-ţi cânt până în zori,
Cântecelul meu de dor."

"If you come with me into a dream
I will teach you to laugh
And I'll sing to you until dawn
My little song of longing."

"Nu răspunzi la SMS,
Eu îţi scriu atât de des,
Poate m-am purtat urât,
Dar să ştii că te-am iubit."

"You don't respond to the SMS
I write to you so frequently,
Maybe I behaved badly
But know that I loved you."

"Mă înec în ochii tăi larolararolei,
Plânge lumea după ei larolararolei.
Eşti un înger pe pământ,
Despre tine cânt,
Şi zi şi noapte larolei."

"I'm drowning in your eyes la la la la lei
The world cries for them la la la la lei
You're an angel on the earth
I sing about you,
both day and night la la lei."

"And then you repite that last stanza 4 more times and then the song is done" I explained and Douma nodded

"You know for not knowing the language your pronunciation of the words is really just.....lovely" Douma spoke , but that last part sounded... seductive?

It make my stomach do flips

I just turned to the paper

"Well I've listened to it about a thousand times and sung it even more so I'd assume I'd be pretty good at the words.." I spoke

Suddenly I felt a cold hand grab my chin and force me to look at him

I nearly jumped as my hands lifted to his wrist

My face turned a little red

"Again" was all he said

So I did as told
"I-I listens to the s-song a lot so I've just p-practiced the words s-so I can say it g-good now!" I say frantically stumbling over my words

Ack I can't even speak right !!! My stomach is doing flips and I hate it!!

Douma only smirked in amusement of the redness on my face and let go

"You're so talented y/n!" He shouted and I nodded looking at him

"Thanks..."  I say before looking away

There were moments of awkward silence before Douma spoke up

"I've been meaning to ask you about something" he spoke and I nodded looking at hi again

"What's with those scars?"



I know this chapter was shorter than I normally write , but that's only because it is a filler chapter , some fun little bonding between reader and Douma before shit starts to hit the fan

I'm feeling jolly so I might even write another chapter!!

Hope you enjoyy!!!

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