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I told him everything

Almost everything


Douma only looked at me before he sighed

"Well then , this has been a long day for sure , I must say I didn't believe it at first , I just needed to hear it from you" he said I stayed quiet though

"I can only hope that you won't lie to me , I always end up finding out in the end , then it surely won't end out good" he stated

I knew what he meant by that

He meant that if I kept lying he'd eventually have to kill me before I get home

Which is a pretty big sign that he doesn't want me to go home

I had spilled my guts about everything

Except for that I knew

I knew he hurt others I knew he ate them

But he didn't have to know that I knew

I doesn't matter because in the end , a part of me doesn't really care.....

A part of me doesn't feel the need to run because of it

I will run for other reasons

I have a family I need to take care of , and as selfish as it sounds , it's true

I won't run away because he hurts people I won't make that mistake

I'll run away eventually, but I can't make a dumb mistake


Days had passed and I distanced myself from Douma a little , not a lot but just a little

But I assumed Douma caught on because at some point he stopped coming to me as much

I figured he knew I needed time

Time that I don't fucking have

Two weeks had passed and I saw one girl pretty often , she had beautiful lime green eyes , and her black hair fell down her shoulders flawlessly

It made me warm to the touch

Though I could never get the courage to talk to her at all

She carried a child with her , I assumed it was her child.

The boy shared the same feminine features as her along with some of the lime green eyes

His hair blue at the tips

He looked cute

The woman would sometimes stay the night at the temple and sometimes she wouldn't

Though someways I never saw her at all because she never came

But a lot of times when she did she'd look beaten and bruised

It made me feel sad

It made me pity her

Kinda like how I pity Douma

But not for the same reasons

It was around 8pm and the temple was pretty empty, it was one of those days where Douma would disappear

I knew why though , or at least I had an idea

He is a demon after all

I roamed the halls with ease , normally when Douma was away I'd roam like this

I walked a little before I saw her

The girl who carried the child

I saw her and decided I was gonna talk to her

I'm going to talk to her no matter how nervous I am!!

I the. Walked up to her with a small shy smile

"Hi , I can't help but notice that I don't see you're gave here often" I say and the girl smiled

"Ah yes , Douma is letting me stay here!" She says with a smile

Her smile.... Her smile makes me happy

I noticed I was dozing off a little

"Ah sorry , I'm y/n" I say rubbing the back of my neck a little

"Ah nice to meet you y/n , I'm Kotoha" she spoke

My eyes widen a little


The girl and her son Inosuke

I knew they seemed so familiar!!

"Ah yes , how nice of a name!!" I say with a smile

Kotoha smiles

"If you want we can get to know each other in my room" she suggested and i nod



We sat in front of each other on her futon

Her room was kinda empty, almost like mine

"I noticed you've been in and out of here" I say and she nods

"It's a long story...." She says my head lowers down

Shit her husband.....

"If you'd like , I'm a good listener if you want to talk" I say with a small smile

If anything I want to help Kotoha , help her feel better

Help her leave this awful place

Help her survive and live to raise Inosuke

"A-are you sure?" She asked and I nodded

"Well I came to Douma for help , help with my husband , he is abusive , when he is there he beats me sometimes, but I mean at least he leaves my baby alone..." she says sadly

My eyes tear up a little bit I force my tears back

"I'm so sorry..." I say and Kotoha shakes her head putting a hand to my shoulder "it's alright don't apologize for something that isn't your fault" she speaks and I nod

The love that she has for her child amazes me , I want to protect her even without truely knowing her

Over the next few days we hung out sometimes with Douma and sometimes not

Her story truely was sad and I wanted to help her

It was hard having to let her go home to her husband , knowing that she would be beaten I couldn't help but feel bad

I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss

But there was nothing I could do , if I made a scene about Kotoha leaving Douma would for sure get mad

Tenze would also get mad too

Not that he was around much right now , he was busy with finding us a way out of here

Whenever Kotoha would come to the temple I'd take Inosuke and take care of him while she rested or talked to Douma

Sometimes I'd be bandaging her wounds

How it brought tears to my eyes

I wanted to help her so badly but I was help back by my morals

If I got in the way it might only get worse for her , if I wasn't careful in the way I help her she could get even more hurt

And I don't want that....


So as a make up for yesterday I wrote two chapters , now I will adding a plot twist , and it will really make or break the story so bear with me

But please enjoy!!!!

The One You Shouldn't Have Let Go [Douma x Modern reader]Where stories live. Discover now