What Trouble

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I ran as fast as I could up the path

But I saw people were still coming up and down the path so I stopped to catch my breath and wipe the still falling tears from my eyes

If this doesn't work and a hashira comes that can't beat him I'll surely be in a world of trouble

One kind lady came up to me

"Oh miss are you alright?" She asks and I shake my head

"Oh dear we should get you to our Gracious Founder immediately he can surely help you!"

I knew who they wanted me to see and if he saw me coming in through the front rather than the side he will have known im up to no good

I push the lady off of me

"No!! Don't you dare touch me!!" I yell as the lady kept trying to take me to him

"Get your hands off me damnit!!" I yelled but she was persistent

Until she wasn't

"Hey I hand her right now!!" A voice yelled


I looked at him as he got the lady off of me , I ran a little behind him

"Miss what are you doing! I'd she doesn't want to see him she doesn't have to!" Tenze explains in an angers voice

I kicked the cement and ran the rest of the way


I sat in my room as Tenze cleaned the small cuts on my knuckles

"What where you thinking?" He asked softly

"We could have went together, the get a hashira" he said sadly

"I'm sorry I just couldnt wait " I said

"Now have you possibly blew our covers but no one is coming to help us..." he said sadly again but I shook my head

"No , I found a hashira and he is sending help" I say angery

Tenze looks up at me

"Really!?" He said loudly and hugged me

"I'm proud , but don't do that again y/n... I'll make up some kind of excuse for us both" he said and I nodded


Soon enough early evening Douma was finished with his cult duties and came to visit me

He sat I front me on my futon

It was hard to act normal

I could have ran away , I could have went to the corp with Rengoku and told them it was him a powerful demon

But I blew it

"I heard there was an accident on the pathway leading to my temple" he spoke breaking me from my thoughts

"Uh huh , sè , Tenze told me about it" I spoke softly , I didn't show my frustrations

I only spoke softly how I normally would

"Tenze said he couldn't get a good look at the girl as she ran off when he got the elder women off of the girl" Douma said

"He didn't tell me that much" I said and Douma nodded

"Mhm...."was all he said

It was quiet for some time

"You know..."

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