Critically Acclaimed?

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I sat at my table looking through the notebook , it still didn't have anything else written after the first few pages were filled

I could only wonder why

I out the notebook and everything else that went with it in the hollow spot on the floor with it

I sat back at the table doodling a little thinking about my family

Would life really be better back at home?

Just as that thought crossed my mind Douma came in , this time he hasn't said hi he seemed excited if anything and sat down in front of me

"You seem excited today" I say and he nods

"I want you to tell me what religious beliefs you have!!" He yelled

My eyes widened a bit

I was taken aback by his request, no one had ever asked about that at all , nor have I ever needed to explain my ways of living

But he wants to know

"Ask and you shall receive then" I'd all I say

"As I said before , a lot of people say I live like a Jew , which is so not true" I say emphasizing 'not'

"Jewish people live way different then I do, I don't eat kosher food , never did and never will" I start and he only nods listening

"To be honest I started drifting away from the Catholic belief system after I started middle school , that's when I started believing stuff for my own good , so now I live flowing the Buddhist lifestyle , or some would say that , I wouldn't really say that , mostly because I live by personal reference of most Buddhist people" I stop for a little letting him take it in before I continued

"I believe in reincarnation, but there is a cycle to reincarnation , this cycle is known at samsara" I explain

I Can tell Douma is thinking so I give him a minute

{{Douma POV}}

I was so easy to listen to her talk about her religion, she was so educated on it , I want to hear her opinion and try to understand her more

I'd listen to her all day , with how little I've heard about Buddhist I already think it's so interesting...

{{Your POV}}

He seemed to not be in thought anymore so I continued

"Now Samsara is a practice , or that's the way I put it , as the Gail of a Buddhist is to practice to become free from Samsara" I speak only for Douma to tilt his head

"Why must you practice?" He asked

Remember the cycle of reincarnation is known as Samsara to Buddhist, which a cycle that doesn't end " I start

I notice he still doesn't understand

"Here let me explain it deeper , the life one is given when reincarnated all depends on the life they lived and the actions they took , that's known as Kamma " I stated and he nodded looking like he understood

"To make it shorter Samsara represents the ongoing cycle" I explain , he looked like he finally understood it

So I moved on

"Know as I said before , the actions of the person in their past life heavily affect there lead to a good or bad rebirth " I explain and he nods

"When you live a skillful life you can be reborn into one of 6 realms

The One You Shouldn't Have Let Go [Douma x Modern reader]Where stories live. Discover now