chapter 12

131 11 3

-reader's pov-

"cicely is sarah!" enola gasped loudly before rushing towards the door, overwhelmed in excitement at the fact she had cracked the mystery.

"enola? what?!-" tewkesbury and I exclaimed, exchanging a confused look between the two of us, "wait! enola!-" we followed her out of the house together and onto the street.

there we found her, mumbling words to herself, tewkesbury and I were way out of earshot. "that's it!" enola cried out whilst spinning around to face tewkesbury, "william lyon and sarah wanted your help, tewkesbury! he invited you to that ball, he's a radical just like you, he needed someone to get his case to court."

"..they needed my help.." tewkesbury realised as he looked down to the floor, "'re right.. but enola, we must return inside, the police are pursuing you-"

"no!" enola snapped, "I know that they are after me, but we need to get a cab, we need to help them."

tewkesbury swallowed a forming lump in his throat as he harshly bit down on his tongue. he glanced over to me as we shared yet another look, a look which held a question. 'do we go with her?'

I almost instantly nodded back, an eager expression spread across my face. he gave me a light nod back before we both jogged down the marble steps to reunite with enola.


slowly and cautiously, we approached the grand entrance to the matchstick factory. the night was dark and gloomy, you could faintly see the clouds up in the sky but they were dull, darkened by the night sky. a sharp breeze blew about, whipping against the uncovered tips of my fingers.

"shh!" enola seethed, "you're walking too loudly!"

"-yeah, tewkesbury." I teased along in a whisper to which he groaned back.

"-but it's gravel!" he protested quietly.

"-you've got large feet!" enola spat back.

"-I know." he huffed as he continued to make a racket.

we then finally reached the metal gates and inspected the handle. but were disappointed to discover it had been locked, no matter how much we shook at the large lock, it wouldn't even budge.

meaning we had to improvise, tewkesbury knelt down in order for enola to use him as a booster to jump from. they created an even louder racket as enola wobbled about, using a groaning tewkesbury as something to stand on.

"come on, you've got this." I whispered as I watched them sway about, enola shrieking quietly as she took the big leap up to the top of the gates. thankfully, she made it and jumped back down on the other side.

"wait here, keep guard." she instructed from the other side of the metal bars, "if anyone comes just tell them you're a lord, -and, y/n.. say that you're his wife.

"-ewww, no way! what?!" I made a fake gagging noise.

"well, it's either that or get caught so good luck you two." enola snarked before turning heel and taking the walk up to the factory building.

"hey, who wouldn't want to be my wife?" tewkesbury joked as he posed about, trying his best to pull 'handsome' faces.

"-me, I wouldn't, that's for sure." I sighed whilst leaning up against the metallic gates.

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