1. ☬𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖋𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖗☬

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|| Hi ! I'm back after years with a new fanfiction...if there is still some people who read on here. I posted this story also on AO3 and quotev, anyways ENJOY ||

Have you ever heard of soulmates? Maybe, maybe not, different believes exist around that term; like the string of fate or little fairies of your one and only following you around. But the most intriguing one is your soulmate's name written on your body like a tattoo once you turn 18.

It happened to Y/N a year ago, the exact day she turned 18. She remembers going to bed after her birthday party her parents forced her to have, with people she did not know or like; as she was undressing, revelling her tattooed body, she noticed one that she never had before on her tailbone. A name was written there in a beautiful and elegant font. She remembers being extremely happy about that soulmates story being true and wanted to tell her parents, but she never had that chance, either her parents did not have time for her, or she forgot.

A year passed by it is now 1868 and she is 19, never heard or met her soulmate yet, the name written on her back did not even sound familiar. She thought she would never meet him, or her, for all she knows. Even during her time, she believed people can love who they love and be who they wanted to be. She was eating dinner with her parents when they mentioned marriage, making Y/N choked on her food; for a while now, her mother kept telling her she has found a suitor for her daughter, a rich French banker she heard. But Y/N did not want to get married yet, she is still young and want to discover the world and its jewels.

That evening, she had a huge fight with her parents, telling her it is either she gets married, or she is disowned. Fuming, she went into her room to pack; she was going to run away, and this time for real. She had thought of running away a lot of times but never actually doing it, she did not know where and how, but now she does. When she was younger, she met an English noble girl, around her age, at a ball; they immediately became friends even though Y/N did not know much English. But now she does, and after exchanging letters for years with Elizabeth, she decided to run to London and escape her possible wedding with a man she did not know or even like.

Once she knew her parents were asleep, she sneaked out her window, making sure not to run into guards or maids. She almost fell hard but managed to land correctly on the floor. And there she was, running towards the closest train station to jump onto a boat going to London. The trip was long but alright as she took money with her just in case of emergencies. Once in London, she took out the most recent letters she received from Elizabeth and read the address, that is where she needed to go, but how? She does not know London at all. She started asking around and some nice people kindly guide her along the way.

She was now in Strand, luckily in front of Elizabeth and her husband's house. Y/N knows that Elizabeth has a husband, for 3 or 4 years now. It was a love marriage and let us say Elizabeth was lucky that her parents agreed to it (plus her husband is rich so we know why they accepted). To tell you more about Madam Elizabeth Peterson, she is a short woman standing around 167cm maybe and is 3 years older than Y/N. She is also, since she was a little girl, very gentle and energetic, always making jokes to lit up the mood and the best of friends Y/N can have.

Y/N then shyly knocked on the door, hoping that she is home. An unknow woman opened the door, dressed as a maid and asked who she might be. Y/N explains calmly that she is seeking Madam Peterson. Lucky for her once again, she was home; the maid told her to wait as she goes to get Elizabeth. The long blacked haired woman was extremely surprised to see her friend waiting in front of her door and made her come in for some tea. As the two sat down in the living room, Elizabeth asked her what she was doing here, of course Y/N had to explain all about the marriage plans and how she is her only escape.

Elizabeth could not guarantee her husband would agree but thought that if she works with them, maybe he would agree to lend her a room. For the rest of the day, the two laughed while catching up, waiting for the husband to come home. He did come back just before dinner time, kissing his wife with a smile. He has worked the whole day and is exhausted, then he noticed the unknown woman in front of him. Around a good meal they all shared, Elizabeth explains the whole situation; at first her husband was a bit reluctant about it but ended up agreeing. Elizabeth was over the moon as well as Y/N. The girls chatted some more after the husband went to bed, tired. But sleep was deeply needed, and they went to bed an hour or two after him.

The next day, Y/N woke up with a smell of fresh baked bread. Going down in the dining area, she is greeted by the couple. While they were eating breakfast, they slowly explained what Y/N must do while at work, very simple really: greet and register patient. Yes indeed, Elizabeth's husband is a doctor in a small Clinique in Lambeth, kind of far from their home but at least he did not have trouble. His wife works with him as nurse and is very grateful for her help. Y/N agreed upon the work and went with them in their carriage drove by the husband.

For a long time during the day, it was calm not many people came in, or if they did, it was only for a quick check up. Suddenly, a man stormed into the Clinique with a dozen of injured men and women, all dressed in green uniforms except for him. He was shouting that he needed urgent help from a doctor and that's when Elizabeth and her husband rushed in, taking everyone under their care. Y/N wished she could help, but medicine was not the subject she was best at. The man who was shouting a minute ago sighs and sat down on a nearby chair. Y/N could see the man was charismatic and very charming: his eyes were of a beautiful green with a slight gleam of brown. Talking about his face, he was handsome, even pretty with defined jawline and slight beard neatly shaved, a fine nose and scars; one on his right eyebrow and one on his left cheek. Underneath his black top hat, his slicked back chocolate brown hair looked soft. He was wearing a green waistcoat above a white chemise, and a long black leather coat. A brown leather belt was tightly wrapped around his waist above a red-ish fabric; his holster was sewn on his belt which was holding a gun. On his left arm, there was a gauntlet, and on his right hand, he was wearing a fingerless leather glove; plus, he was wearing a necklace with a shilling as pendant.

Noticing an insistent glare on him, the man looked at Y/N and says: "what is it? Like what you see love?" taken aback by the comment, she looked away, a bit of blush making its way on her cheeks. She then noticed blood on his attire and approached him carefully, concerned written all over her face, "are you okay sir? Is this your blood, do you need any assistance?" she said with a tiny French accent which the handsome man noticed, "no, no it's not mine I'm fine, how much do I need to pay for-" he was cut off by Elizabeth, "oh no, Mr. Frye, you don't need to pay, after all you do to protect us, it's the least we can do"

"Thank you, my lady, always a pleasure" he said while tipping his top hat in Elizabeth's direction "send my regards to your husband" and with that, he is gone. Elizabeth, with the same usual smile, turns towards Y/N and clapped her hands together "well, what a day. My husband and I were going to watch some fistfights tonight, at the fight club, care to join us?" "Yes, my pleasure, I always loved going there back in France, even if there weren't a lot" Y/N responded before going back to sit at her desk.

"Ah! Eli, who was that man?" the black-haired woman looks at Y/N confused, but then remembers she is not used to everything here yet. "That was Jacob Frye, leader of the Rooks, the people dressed in green. He has arrived recently but has freed most of London from another terrifying gang, the Blighters. It is thanks to him we are not bothered like we used to" Elizabeth explains calmly the situation, with a huge smile "Mr. Frye is so nice, and handsome at that don't you think dear?", Y/N simply nodded her head at her...Jacob Frye, sounds familiar.

|| Just wanted to notify that, chapters won't have a define lenght, some will be way shorter than others! I hope you liked it, tell me if you did (and if i did any mistakes)! ||

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