5. ☬𝕿𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌☬

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After a few minutes, Evie had to leave, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts, scared about tomorrow night...

Tomorrow night came faster than expected for Y/N and she was petrified. Right now, she is sitting on the loveseat, reading a random book she could find in Evie's bookshelf to distract herself from her raging thoughts. But she could not be concentred on it, plus the book was not that interesting at least not her liking.

A few minutes later, Jacob entered the carriage looking messed up. Seeing him like that Y/N rushed to see him, asking all sorts of questions about his well-being. He tried to reassure her about it and forced a quick smile, but Y/N was not oblivious like that, still if he did not want to talk about it, she could not force him to talk. Jacob then gently took her hand, telling her he knew a place where they could talk in peace, this made Y/N's heart race in her ribcage and blushed a little, what could he want to say? Is it what she thinks it is? This soon when she had to reveal her secret, or should we say lie?

Not wasting time, Jacob carried her bridal style and jump off the train onto the rails, making Y/N a bit scared as she tightens her arm grip around Jacob's neck. He then ran off somewhere into the night and soon enough, Y/N could see Big Ben. Jacob got closer to the building, warning Y/N quickly that she needed to hold on tight and then suddenly, he launched his rope straight to the top of Big Ben. The whole time, Y/N screamed all she could and did not even try to open her eyes, but when Jacob put her back on her feet and gently whispered in her ear that she could open her eyes, she knew she was safe.

When she opened them, she was meet with a beautiful scenery of London's night view, the sky was clear, and both could see stars. Y/N opened her mouth lightly, amaze by the view, gently her lips started forming her smile. None of them were talking yet, just enjoying each other company in front of the scenery and the chill London breeze.

Then suddenly Jacob sighed, hanging his head low making Y/N looked at him in worry. He then spoke lightly: "Today, I killed Maxwell Roth" Y/N's eyes widened at the sudden declaration, but she continued listening to him "he...I mean...He was a bad man I knew that but...he made me feel like what I was doing mattered. He said he was mesmerized and amazed by my work, I have never heard someone said that to me in a long time haha..." he paused for a second before talking again "He made me do his work but I enjoyed it and, he was proud of me every time, telling me how I did a good job and stuff, but bloody hell...Burning children alive is not my thing at all you know. When that happened, I knew I had to kill him but as I did it, something inside me was...sad and heartbroken... and when he kissed me before he died, I felt a warm sensation inside...I do not know what happened to me...And before, there was this woman Peal Attaway, that I had to kill as well. Compared to Max, my feelings towards her were nothing but those two stories put together are just too much for me." during his whole confession, Y/N listened closely not interrupting him and watched him as his eyes started filling themselves with tears but did not allow them out except for one. Y/N wiped it away, making him look at her in her eyes smiling reassuringly at him, a sort of signal telling him it was okay to cry if he needed to, to say what he wanted to and to not worry about anything in this moment.

Instinctively, he hugs her and cries silently in the crook of her neck as she patted his back gently, a few times switching with hands rubbing on it or fingers drawing circles, just to make him feel her presence, that she was here for him and that he was safe.

But she could not help but feel bad, like she was a horrible person. She was devastated to understand that Jacob trusted her so much, to the point of telling her about his suffering, while she lied to him about the most basic thing, her name which is the base of any kind of relationship. She was also heartbroken to see him in so much pain and knowing that Jacob did not feel the same thing about her did not arrange anything. I mean, of course he could not feel any type of romantic attraction to her since they have known each other for a month but still, she got attached to him quickly, too quickly. As they stop hugging each other, Y/N decided to tell him another time, not wanting to add another problem to his suffocating mind.

Not wanting her to see him like this, Jacob quickly wiped away his tears and forced a smile, thanking her for listening to him and being there for him. And for the rest of night, they silently enjoyed each other company and watched the stars...

The next day, Y/N did not feel well but she was not sick, what happened the night before was still in her mind, barely giving her an opportunity to get a little bit of sleep.

Sighing as she went down the stairs, she is soon met with a frowning Elizabeth who needed explanation for the other day, at the Clinique. Her cup of tea in her hands, she asks Y/N to sit in front of her, where another cup of tea was waiting for her; plus seeing the expression on her face, Elizabeth knew something was off with her best friend. And she waited for Y/N to started talking: "I made a horrible mistake Eli...I lied to him, to Jacob about the first thing someone need to know about in order to former a friendship or any relationship. I know that I need to tell him but yesterday he...he trusted me to keep a secret and it hurts to know that he trusts me so much even though I lied to his face. You and his sister are the only who know about this, and I do not know what to do anymore...this is torturing me every second of every day. I should tell him, I have too but he is going to hate me for this, the longer I wait the more he will be angry. I do not want to hurt him, in any kind of way. But whatever I choose to do, I will hurt him" as Y/N continued to talk to Elizabeth about it, she slowly teared up and soon, had a hard time breathing because of how much she was crying. Elizabeth only got up from her seat and hugged her best friend's body, trying to reassured her and giving her advice. But they were all the same, the only thing Y/N could do is tell him or suffer from this all her life.

But the two did not know there was a third person with, listening to the conversation. It was not Elizabeth's husband, nor was it Evie. But whoever it was, they were angry and broken, once again, at the sudden revelation, so much that they did not want to hear more of it, missing the most important part of the confession...

|| I hope you liked it, tell me if you did (and if i did any mistakes)! ||

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