6. ༒𝕳𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘༒

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|| little warning: this is my first ever written angst, so if you have any thoughts on how to make it better, I'm open got suggestions ||

But whoever it was, they were angry and broken, once again, at the sudden revelation, so much that they did not want to hear more of it, missing the most important part of the confession...

As days went by, Y/N tried her hardest to see Jacob again, to talk to him and explain everything but she never got a hold of him, not even a gleam. She has asked multiple times for Evie and Henry to help her out, but even them did not see Jacob as much as before. They knew he was doing his own things, Evie saying that he is off to cause some more chaos in a playful tone, but they could not talk nor approach him anymore, like he was completely shut off. Y/N thought she knew the reason behind this behaviour but, it was odd; even if it were about his confusion about Roth, he would not shut himself like that, he would try to hide his emotions by acting like his usual self. But she did not give up, she needed to tell him, and she was going to, whatever happens afterwards. She thought for a long time on how she was going to do it, basically building a whole plan; first thing first, she needed to trap Jacob into a room. In her own room? She had to make sure no one disturbs them, a bit hard to do considering all the maids or butlers in the house. At the Clinique? Not personal enough. The train? Most possible, but she must ask Evie and Henry to help maybe by faking a date or something.

After work, Y/N told Elizabeth that she will be home late and to not wait for her for dinner. Elizabeth immediately understood why and did not ask further questions. While Y/N was walking towards her destination all determined, she encounters a female Rook. Considering it was getting late, Y/N started feeling anxious, so she decided to ask the Rook to escort her to the train. The woman, who introduced herself as Marie, kindly accepted and both started walking again while talking about anything that comes to mind.

Waiting at the train station was not too long, just a minute or two after they went inside King's Cross station, the train pulled up. Marie immediately went towards the carriage where a mini bar was while Y/N went in, searching for the twins, not caring if Jacob is the first one to show up. And to no surprise, Jacob was not there, instead she founds Evie sitting in front of her desk reading some papers. As Y/N got closer, she noticed that Evie was holding a map of Buckingham Palace's undergrounds and surroundings. Those papers arise Y/N's curiosity, but she shrugged it off, she was not here for this but for Jacob; she gently tapped on Evie's shoulder and the woman slowly turned around, clearly, she was about to tell the person who disturb her off but as she noticed it was Y/N, she smiled: "Oh! What a surprise, I was not expecting you. It is a bit messy around here but please, do get comfortable", "actually Evie, I am here for Jacob...once again. I really need to talk to him this time. I suppose you do not know where he is" she responds while bearing a worried expression on her face. Y/N had her answer without needing a direct respond from Evie; judging by her averting eyes, she did not know where he was maybe she did not even know if her brother was alive. As Y/N sat down on a nearby chair while sighing, the two young women heard footsteps on the roof.

Y/N jumped up from her sit she barely sat on, smiling a bit as she was relieved that Jacob came back. And to be clear, it could not have been Henry because he always enters the train normally, not by jumping onto the carriage's rooftop.

Indeed, Jacob enters with an angry expression but as his gaze stumbles upon Y/N's form, he rolled his eyes and sighed, then continue walking towards his carriage. Y/N followed quickly behind him while Evie stayed put, going back to studying the map. As Y/N was about to enter right after Jacob, he slammed the door shut in front of her. She was surprised, shocked even, but she was not going to back down, not now that Jacob is right in front of her. With determination and force, maybe even a bit too much force as the loud sound the door made while opening scared Y/n, but still, she walked towards him, confident. Jacob was sitting on the loveseat, watching the outside of the train thanks to a window but he was not about to give Y/N attention, he was in fact acting like she was not even there.

She then spoke calmly once she was standing in front of the boy: "Jacob, we need to talk. I do not know why you are ignoring me, or Evie or everyone as a matter of fact, but it cannot continue like this. We should try to talk it out, plus I...I have something to tell even though you are going to be angrier at me, it needs to be said." For a few seconds Jacob looked at her, but quickly averted his gaze back to something else, "Like how you, Miss Y/N, lied to me openly without any regrets, without even taking my possible feelings in consideration?"

'He knows...' Y/N thought, eyes opening wide: "f-for h-how long did you know?" she asks, her voice so sightly audible and trembling a bit "Since awhile. At first, I wanted to wait for you to tell me. But I was too angry at you to wait" he says dryly while getting up, and turned towards her huffing "Now I do not want to hear anything else from you, nor do I want to see you, either it be on the streets or on my train, Am I clear?"

"Please Jacob, just listen to me, I had a reason, even if it is a dumb and unbelievable one" She said, pleading "NO! I refused to hear another word coming out of your mouth. I refused to listen or to believe anything you say to me. How can I trust you after believing such a simple lie, maybe I should have notice myself but noooo" his voice was getting louder as he continues speaking. "Jacob, please. I lied because I do not want you to love me simply because we are soulmates, I wanted you to love me for me and not because you felt like you had to. I panicked and ruined everything I know that but-" she was cut off by the shouting of the younger Frye twin "NO SHUT UP! STOP TALKING! You want me to believe such bullshit? Are you even saying that you lied because of an imaginary tale we tell children to make them fall asleep? I feel even more disrespected."

"I KNOW! I know. We cannot go back but I had to tell you, to free myself and my mind. I could not bear the weight of this lie anymore. But know that, since the moment I told you a fake name, I regretted it and I wanted to tell you, but I never knew how or when. And I feared how you would react but the more I waited, the worse it got. I do not want to hurt you more Jacob" tears started forming in her eyes, but she refused to let them go, not in front of Jacob. "I cannot believe I trusted such a liar, I thought we were friends and here I thought I could tell you about my problems and worries but no, God had other plans for me I suppose" Jacob immediately said while turning his back to her, maybe refusing to watch her any longer or hiding his tears. From then, Jacob kept saying hurtful things and Y/N thought she deserved it, she deserved his anger and frustration but still, it made her cry. Everything was her fault; all this pain and sorrow was because of her stupid lie.

Soon, Jacob had enough, and once at the nearest train station, he gently pushed her off the train telling her to never search for him again, and if she comes back, it is only to see his sister or Henry. But she still had things to say, so much more but not enough time, the train was slowly leaving the station. Y/N then panicked and decided to just let it off her chest; just before Jacob close the door leading to his carriage, Y/N yelled at him: "JACOB! I-I LOVE YOU THAT IS WHY!" and she stayed there for a few seconds, watching the train leaving the station, a light hope that Jacob would jump off and run to her but no, he just went back inside. She did not even know if he heard her, nor did she care about the weird stare of the few people at the train station.

All alone, she went back home. She expected it to go like this, but it still hurts; she had to let go of her precious friend. Thankfully, nothing happened to her on the way, and even if it had, she would not have care. Once home, she did not eat anything even though the maid kept pleading her to do so, Y/N just directly went to change into her nightgown and lay down on her bed. Hiding under the blankets, all she could think about was him and this night, she felt asleep due to exhaustion after a big crying session.

|| Here we go! I hope you liked it, tell me if you did (and if i did any mistakes)! ||

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊 ||AC Syndicate|| Jacob Frye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now