4. ༒𝕸𝖘. 𝕱𝖗𝖞𝖊༒

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|| We are slowly getting there my friends, please be patient and the angst will be there!! ||

Not wanting to wake the whole house, he decided to quietly pick the lock, sat her down on a chair to unlace her clothes off so she could breathe properly and at least be comfortable on her bed to sleep; and finally, he laid her on her bed and left as quiet and quick as possible.

Next morning, Y/N woke up completely confused and with a hungover. She did not remember much from last night, like how did she got back home safely or why is she still dressed in yesterday's outfit and not her nightgown, but she was alive and that was enough for her as she silently hope she did not say anything wrong because of the alcohol's influence.

Except for the second hungover she has for the second time in only 1 month timespan, her day was going as usual. Today was Saturday so the couple were allowed to close the Clinique sooner because somehow, there were less people on Saturdays. Elizabeth proposed to go for a walk with Y/N but she refused, saying she should go for a romantic outing with her husband, an idea Elizabeth thought was amazingly smart.

They parted ways in front of the locked doors of the Clinique, going into opposites direction as Y/N was heading towards the bookstore. She got used to London very quickly and spotted every interesting place: teashops, clothes stores, tailors, bookstores...and so on. Today, she wanted to try to find the third volume of one of her favourite sagas, written by her favourite author!

She walked for around 10 minutes, in peace and appreciating the good London weather, a rare sight. The city's streets were as busy as usual, with carriages passing by or policemen patrolling, Rooks messing with Blighters and vice versa, or people enjoying a stroll as most were couples.

As Y/N enters the bookstore, she is greet with a familiar smell of wood and leather and a faint lavender aroma which she thought was a relaxing smell, much better than the one from all those chemical products they have at the Clinique or the bad mouth breath from patients. Immediately walking towards the most interesting aisle, she started searching for the book she wants. As she finds it, she quickly smiled and extended her arm to grab the book, but her hand lightly touched another, which was also attempting to grab the very same book. Turning her head to see who it was, she was surprised to see Evie, both greeting each other at the same time.

"Adélaïde, what a pleasant surprise!" said Evie as she goes for a quick greeting hug, Y/N had almost forgot that name she gave herself "same goes for you Evie, I did not expect you to like Simone Hughson" Y/N then grabs the book to give it to Evie "may I ask that, once you are done reading it, if you can lend it to me?" Evie looked quickly at the book then back to Y/N, smiling sweetly while accepting.

Once both brought what they need and wanted, they went out still talking about the book: "are you that surprised that I like a story about a woman defying a misogynistic and sexist society? I thought I looked a lot like that type of woman" says Evie in a playful tone before laughing lightly. Both continued to talk for a long time, walking around before stopping in a nearby park.

"And Adéla-" Evie was cut off by Y/N, she could not stand hearing that name anymore, "Evie, I need to tell you something and it is very very stupid, please do not hate me for it. My actual name is not Adélaïde, it is Y/N. I am deeply sorry that I lied to you, and to Jacob and Henry..." Y/N hangs her head low, not daring looking in Evie's blue eyes, but the words she spoke next made her look up: "I am sure you had a good reason, even if it is a stupid one. Would you mind telling me?"

Then Y/N explained all about the soulmate story, how she has Jacob's name written on her and Jacob must have the same but with her name, how she did not want Jacob falling in love with her because of this but mostly for who she is, and how she regretted it immediately after lying but never knew or when to tell him. Evie listened to everything without cutting her off and once she was done, she wiped a falling tear while saying that the more she waits the more Jacob would be disappointed about it. Y/N knew that, but she lacked the courage.

"Listen, my brother asked me, if I ever stumbled upon you, to tell you to wait in the train tomorrow night for him because he needs to show you something. Maybe during your time together, you could tell him" Y/N only nodded her head and thanked Evie for her kindness. After a few minutes, Evie had to leave, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts, scared about tomorrow night...

|| I hope you liked it, tell me if you did (and if i did any mistakes)! ||

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