9. ☬𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖞☬

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But as the person rise their head, her eyes widened and gasped, it was Jacob right in front of her with a sad smile on his face...

She could not believe her eyes, the man who told her he basically hated her was in front of her, his hazel eyes looking into hers with a sad hint in them. Gently squeezing Y/N's wrist, Jacob spoke lowly: "Y/N, I know it is late but let us talk..." she stayed quiet. A part of her was happy to see him, after everything that happened, he was the last person she could expect to see; but the other part was hurting, seeing his hurtful expression felt like a knife piercing her heart, twisting from left to right. There was a silence between them for a minute, before she hangs her head low sighing, Jacob still holding her wrist but slowly, Y/N raised her hand to place it on top of Jacob's, signalling him to let her go which he did, but right after he grabbed her shoulders making her look at him once again. "please Jacob, I do not wish to talk, I am tired" Y/N says and Jacob immediately retorqued "listen to me-" but Y/N cuts him off "No...I beg you" she was trying to make him let go of her shoulders but his grip tighten the more she struggles, "I will not let you go, what if you run away and I will not have the chance to talk to you again? What if you ran to the little brat you are seeing this days huh?"

"Do no talk about Isaac like that, he is a sweet and brave boy-" this time, it was Jacob who cuts her off, "So that is his name, Isaac...or is it a fake name too?" such simple words yet as painful as a bullet in her heart, Y/N did not answer and just averted her eyes, letting Jacob continue "but I am not here for him, let us talk about our argument...", "No...I do not want go through it again, it hurted too much at that time, I know it will hurt as much today. Can you just...let me forget about you please?" she says while struggling once more, "No, Y/N, not until I have answers. Or what, are you using this poor boy to forget me? Did you not say you love me?" this time, she had enough, with tears threating to come out of her eyes, she slightly pushed him away and answers rather loud "yes Jacob! Maybe I am..."

"You prefer him over me? This weakling?" he responds while pointing his index finger in the air, directly referring to Isaac, his voice was getting louder as well, "I said to not talk about him that way!" as Jacob was about to continue talking, or rather screaming, Y/N opened the front door, went inside the house, and quickly closed the door in Jacob's face. This time, she did not lie to him, maybe she was trying to get over him with Isaac but that would mean using and playing with the boy's feeling, there was no way she was going to do that again, Isaac did not deserve the pain she made Jacob feel. But seeing him one more time made her realize how much she loved him, not matter what he does she would always find a way to defend him, to be on his side even if he is in the wrong. How she wished things were different. Once inside her beautiful decorated purple bedroom, she approached the window and tried to get a gleam of Jacob: he was holding he head in his hands for a few seconds, walking back and forth, before zipping a line onto a roof to climb up, then he disappeared into the night. Did Y/N made the right choice this time? She did not know but how could she expect him to love her after all...

The next day, all was the same for Y/N, just work. Except that she was going out tonight, with Elizabeth and her husband, they were going to the theatre. Closing the Clinique around 7:30 pm, the little trio went happily on their way while Isaac walked the opposite. Everything was fine for a while, young women with deep cleavage were flirting with drunk married men, Rooks partying and a light evening breeze. The young boy harboured a smile on his lips as always until a figure jumped down for higher grounds next to him, in a closed-by alley, startling the boy a bit. Isaac stopped in his track, turning slowly towards where the noise came from. In the shadows, the figure approached him: a male wearing a hood. But once the person was close enough to Isaac, they revealed themselves, removing the hood. Jacob was in front of Isaac, harbouring an intimidating look on his face while the youngest of them two was confused, what did this person want? Who the bloody hell would jump from a roof or a window?

Jacob, looking straight at Isaac, was terrifying: the look in his eyes and his posture were scary and imposing. Even if Isaac was pretty muscular at such a young age due his previous work, Jacob clearly was superior, the way he was standing made his shoulders seem bigger than Isaac's and the clothes defined his muscles pretty well; Isaac knew just by Jacob's scars, by his aura and the way he acts that Jacob has more experience in fighting, if they were ever to fight one another that is. After some minutes of silence, which seemed like forever, Jacob spoke: "Are you having fun messing around with a woman that is not yours?" Isaac did not answer, he did not know who Jacob was talking about; plus, he did not know Jacob much: he knew his face, his name and pretty much what everyone in London already know about him, that he is the Rook's gang leader, close to the Queen and that he and his sister saved her, but that is it.

"Do not pretend like you do not know boy! You are all over Y/N, flirting with her, courting her, but you better stop this act of yours before I make you eat your own teeth, Am I clear?" as Jacob says the last three words, he took a step closer to Isaac, their nose barely touching "Is no' like Y/N's rejectin' me. And if she were yours, she would be with ya right no' huh! She would also be talkin' abou' you to my, but she neve' does..." Isaac answers, suddenly feeling confident, something noticeable by a sudden apparition of his Irish's accent. The young boy tries to hide it simply because most of time people did not understand him when talking.

Jacob's jaw tightened by hearing Isaac's words, the teen had angered him, but Jacob could not harm a civilian just because of a simple meaningless threat "I do not want to see you near her again or I swear, I'll make you suffer", "No, I do no' think I will" and with those last words, Isaac left Jacob to go back home. In reality, the young boy was wetting his pants, Jacob was terrifying and intimidating, Isaac was sure he was going to get beaten up for speaking up like this to a gang leader. But who was Jacob to tell him what to do? Was he his mother?

This night, Jacob brawled all his might. Pouring out his rage on people trying to beat him in the ring, but at least he made a lot of money in one night...

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊 ||AC Syndicate|| Jacob Frye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now