2. ༒𝕬 𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊༒

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"Mr. Frye is so nice, and handsome at that don't you think dear?" Y/N simply nodded her head to her...Jacob Frye, sounds familiar.

The rest of the day, Y/N continued to reflect on where she has heard this name. after a while it hit her; it was her soulmate's name, the one tattooed on her back...

After closing the Clinique, the little trio went immediately in the direction of the fight club. Y/N was very excited to go, especially with her best friend. Once inside, the smell of sweat and musk fill Y/N's nostril; she did not the smell, kind of used to it. The room was mostly filled with men and a few women accompanying their husbands. All were shouting the name of the contestant and setting bets on them. The trio decided to sit on a table not too far from the ring to have a good view.

An hour passed by quickly, the three were a bit drunk due to the beer they keep ordering. They were shouting with the other people around, and soon enough the two girls got up to get a better view. The next contester was introduced as Jacob Frye, so the boy likes to fight here on his spare time. This is the second time they have met, and Y/N was still mesmerized by his looks, he is really a handsome man. Soon enough, men in the rings that to multiply and Jacob was ready to fight every single one of them. Y/N could notice a gleam of rage in his beautiful eyes. Each blow, he dodged with talent, no need to protect himself with his arms in front of his face like the others were doing. All he needed was dodging and strength. Punching each enemy in strategic places of the body to knock them out, it shows that he is a minimum thoughtful, or that he is a fast thinking, whatever you prefer.

Y/N thought he was more than incredible. Not only was he blessed with a pretty face but also with a fit body. Jacob is not that muscular, his abs are not really showing through but oh boy, such huge arms and a strong back that he has; even the chest hair did not disgusted Y/N, she thought of it as a charm. And the tattoos add something, she could not describe it with words but it suited him, was it a raven or a crow? Maybe one day, she will ask him. Jacob was sweating and panting hard as he finishes teaching all the contestant a lesson, by either knocking them out or breaking every single bone in their body, and he was more than content about it. Y/N shouted among the people to Jacob's victory, and as he looked around the room, he spotted a long red-haired woman 'the French cutie from earlier. I did not see her as the type who likes to watch fights' he thought, smirking to himself still looking at her with curiosity, but she did not notice, maybe because she was too drunk or too into the moment. But someone did notice, Elizabeth turned towards her friends, gently tapping on her shoulder: "Y/N! I think Jacob is looking at you" once she heard that, she looked quickly at her friend then towards Jacob. Her eyes widened as she noticed that indeed Jacob was looking at her. Smirking when eye contact was made, making Y/N blushes lightly in the process, he then turned around to go in the fitting, going to get his clothes so he could dress up.

The next day, everything was the same, except for the general hungover everyone had, but they had to go to work. As for that, it was the same too, not much happened until when it was time to close. The sun was setting gently into the horizon while the little friend group started cleaning up before going home, the door then opened making the little doorbell ring. A male figure entered the Clinique with a smile on his face. Y/N was busy, her back turned to the stranger but she spoke: "we are closed, can you come back another time" "I am not here for business, love", hearing the voice she turned around, it was Jacob, what was he doing here if he did not need anything from the Clinique?

"Oh, Mr. Frye, what a pleasant surprise! We saw you fight yesterday, been a while since we've had this much fun" says Elizabeth with a smile as she goes into the entrance of the shop, wiping her hand into a cloth "what brings you here?", "let's say that I've notice you ladies yesterday, and I was wondering if your cute friend over here would like to accompanied me for a walk tonight" Jacob answers while placing his hands behind his back, glancing over towards Y/N, who was dumbfounded. Elizabeth smiled even more hearing the young man says that. Walking over to Y/N, she grabs her shoulder gently and started pushing her towards Jacob: "I'm sure she would love that, won't you my dear?" still in shock, Y/N did not answer and just simply nodded her head, "fantastic! We will finish cleaning up do not worry, now go-go". Y/N wrapped shyly her right arm around Jacob's left arm he was offering, and with a smile, they both went out.

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊 ||AC Syndicate|| Jacob Frye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now