7. ☬𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊☬

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Hiding under the blankets, all she could think about was him and this night, she felt asleep due to exhaustion after a big crying session.

And just like that, life continued for Jacob, just like he has been living the past few weeks. Always being busy with either missions or brawling, barely coming back at the train hideout to sleep or anything else, Evie does not even know what he has been up to.

Time just passed by and Starrick's reign came to an end. Even though their differences, the twins manage to work together again and assassinate Crawford, just as he was about to use the Shroud and try to kill Queen Victoria. Both did speak about their problems afterwards and made peace with themselves, as well as past events. But never once was Jacob's confusion over Maxwell Roth mentioned, nor what happened between him, and Y/N. Evie had no idea what was going on but had some suspicion due to Jacob's behaviour not going back to how it was. What I mean is that he barely speaks or teases his sister anymore and like I said, does not spend time at the train at all, usually he would be lazing around. But just like that, a routine was set up.

Still, Y/N' sudden "disappearance" still lingered inside Evie's and Henry's mind, why was she not visiting or spending time with them anymore? When she learned Crawford's death, they would have bet Y/N would have come running to them to celebrate, but there was no sight of her. So secretly, without her brother knowing, Evie asked some Rooks to keep an eye on Y/N, in case of emergencies and to know if she was doing fine; but if one of them has the nerve to inform Jacob about this, the consequences will be terrible. Soon after, Evie received news about her young French friend: she wished to meet her for a talk and a favour!

As for Jacob, he really tried to focus his mind on the missions and his gang. At some point, he did sit around quietly just thinking about his feelings, especially about M. Roth and concluded that he can like men and women romantically, as well as having physical relationship with them. At least, he made peace with that, but one thing was still on his mind even though he did not want it to be: Y/N's story about soulmates. Jacob has never been the type to believe in any fantasy or supernatural phenomena, but if Evie's story about the Piece of Eden ended up being true, then why not Y/N's?

He thought he was crazy for thinking that, for actually thinking she might be right in anything she had said to him but he still made some research: discreetly taking Evie's and Henry's book that could talk about soulmates, asking Agnes about some old Scottish myths relating to soulmates and at some point, he decided to check if he indeed had Y/N's name tattooed somewhere on his body without him knowing. To his surprise, her name was written there, on his lower pelvic area in a bold yet soft and delicate font. This information left him shock for quite some time; his mind was rushing with so many thoughts: Y/N's crazy story ended up being true, the fact that he never noticed this simply because of natural pubic hair...

In the end, what was his actual feelings towards her? A simple friend or more than that? What was he supposed to do now? Should he talk to her? Apologize?

Jacob's mind has never been such a mess before and it was frustrating to him, he hated being in this situation. That day he realized the truth, he remembers sitting down naked next to the bathtub, his head in between in hands and elbows placed on his knees...

Back to the present with Evie, she is now sitting at the garden's table, in front of Y/N at Elizabeth' house. Both had a hot cup of tea in front of them and none were talking. For a while, the only thing they could hear was the busy streets of London. But after a short time, Y/N sighed and explained slowly how things has been going since she talked with Jacob at the train hideout...

Time flew by slowly, feeling like she was stuck in an endless cycle, Y/N just spent her days going back and forth to the Clinique to work and then back home, doing nothing except reading books she already read before eating briefly and going to sleep straight after dinner. She did not even bother going out anymore, nor to the bookstore or the fight club, too scared to cross Evie's or Jacob's path. The younger twin made it clear that he did not want anything to do with her, especially not cross her onto the streets, and she is doing to best she can to respect that; plus, she did not want to see him either, she knows it will hurt too much.

Her life since the argument has been awfully dull, that is no doubt, and Elizabeth could not continue seeing her grime face every day: she needed to see her best friend like she used to be, all happy and in love. So, she suggests multiple times that both should go out but every time, Y/N refused saying she was not feeling well. The letter Evie received was not written by Y/N but by Elizabeth: somehow, she thought that Evie could do something she could not do or that she would make Y/N cracked her shell. That is why when Evie arrived, Y/N was surprised to see her and there was a little misunderstanding.

Both women talked for quite a time but never mentioned what exactly went off during their argument, but Evie is a smart lassie, she figured that thing out herself with the information she has. Clearly for Evie, if Y/N did not want to talk about it herself, then she should not force it out of her! But after finishing her tea, Evie had an idea: "Y/N, are you interested in learning how to fence for yourself?" the question took Y/N by surprise as she choked because of the tea she was still drinking. After calming down, the French woman looked at the assassin with concern and curiosity "By all mean, why are you asking?"

"I was thinking this would make your routine a little less...dull as you said. Plus, even if Starrick is dead and the Rooks have taken over the boroughs, enemies and people with bad intentions are still roaming around in London. I would feel much better knowing you know at least how to use a knife" Evie calmly explains as she makes good points, and like she said why not try to have a little fun instead of being stuck in this sad cycle...

Both women went a little further into the garden so they would not hurt anybody while training. Y/N made her worries clear to Evie; the French lady could not promise if she were going to be any good at this, but Evie reassured her the best she could by saying she was a professional 'throwing knives' teacher. The first thing the assassin showed to Y/N was how to have a good stance, either up or crouched down: Y/N made sure she copied Evie from head to toe and listened very carefully. The first few minutes of training, Y/N had so little trust in herself with a knife in her hand, to the point where she did not put any strength in her throws and could not aim correctly, the knife bouncing on the wounded target every time, almost hitting her. One thing was for sure, Y/N was not going to let this little failure take the better of her, she was going to train hard!

And indeed, Evie is a good teacher, the best even: her calm demeanour, and the way she explains things ever so slowly for Y/N to understand every lesson they took together, are helping a lot. Furthermore, not only was Y/N a good student but she also understood everything very quickly and soon enough, after maybe a week and a half of training, she could throw small knives with perfect aim and could handle a dagger perfectly. Evie taught her every weak point an enemy can have, how to counter one's attacks, or even how to break through an enemy's defence. Of course, our heroine cannot be as skilled as the Frye twins in such a short amount of time, but it was enough for Y/N to gain confidence and not feel scared when walking alone. To thanks Evie, Y/N brough her out to dinner and they had the most wonderful evening: the food was excellent, and their conversations were never ending. Y/N discovered she had so much more things in common with Evie than she thought, and she can claim for sure that this whole training thing made them grow closer!

What Y/N did not know is that, during every training session she had with Evie, another figure was not far from them, watching them carefully...

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊 ||AC Syndicate|| Jacob Frye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now