8. ༒𝕽𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑𝖘༒

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What Y/N did not know is that, during every training session she had with Evie, another figure was not far from them, watching them carefully...

As time went on, the British weather was not getting better but Y/N's mood did. Maybe it was the time she spent with Evie that had a good influence on her mood, she was starting to go out again, either alone or with Elizabeth. Seeing her a bit better, Elizabeth was relieved her best friend was feeling like herself again.

Today, Y/N had decided to walk around a bit, just to appreciate the rare warm breeze. While walking, she started thinking of what happened these past months: her parents did not contact her once, but it did not affect her much, she knew her parents never actually cared nor liked her especially since she is not their actual daughter but an orphan. Sometimes, she thinks about her biological parents, what they looked like, how they were, or why they decided to abandon her. But she learned to live with it and did not question things further. She was also thinking about her ex-fiancé and how he reacted when she never showed up to the wedding or if he even cared. Soon enough, her thoughts were only filled with Jacob, she was still deeply enamoured with him, intoxicated even and she could not help but wonder how he was, if he got any better after everything.

Without noticing, Y/N rammed against someone, falling flat on her butt onto the floor. When she looked up, she saw a hideous Blighter looking at her, yelling profanities at her but he let her go, of course not helping her up. The young woman got up on her own, brushing the dirt off her beautiful royal blue dress. As she started walking slowly again, she overheard a conversation: two voices, one of a young teenage boy, the other was one of a man, deep and raspy voice. Slowly making her way behind a wall, she hides from the two, trying to listen a bit more before making her move: "Boy, you bette' start workin' righ' now or your' getting a lashy" says the man dressed in a red uniform that Y/N recognized as one of the Blighters. While looking at the two, she noticed the boy was not older than seventeen. Broad shoulders and arms due to his work he must be doing in the factory, slight wavy medium length brown hair and brown eyes. One of them was hidden behind an eye patch and huge scar making its way from the bridge of his nose to the right side of his jawline. The boy was sweating profusely, and his face was all red: he was exhausted, maybe even sick which made him slow down on his work, clearly annoying the male Blighter.

As he was about to hit him, Y/N walked towards the man while crouching down as to not make too many noise and once she was close enough, she got up, stood on her tippy toes, and placed her right hand over the Blighter's mouth and nose in order to take him down without actually killing him, her other hand helping to keep him from moving too much. Once he stopped fighting against her going completely limp, she placed him slowly on the floor and turned towards the young boy: "Are you alright?" Y/N says while squatting down to his level, inspecting him quickly and placing her left hand on his forehead, the boy was burning. All the teen did was looking at her, his eyes sparkling with stars. In that moment, he thought she was amazing, such a woman taking down this brute just to help a total stranger. The boy did not listen to anything she was saying, letting her handle him completely. Y/N decided to help him and bring him to the Clinique for a quick check-up, she could not leave this poor soul working in those conditions. Helping him up, she placed his arm around her shoulders and made him walk slowly towards their destination...

Meanwhile, Jacob saw everything. Indeed, he was worried about Y/N and wanted to try to talk to her once more, to try and fix everything but every time he would miss his chance. He also has been watching every training and practice Y/N had with Evie, even got caught by his sister one day resulting in a lecture about how she should talk to her and not just watch from afar, but he just shrugged her off. During the whole altercation, he was ready to pounce onto the Blighter just in case things were not going to go the way Y/N would have want them to be, but seeing how she handled it perfectly, he felt proud of her first because you would have never imagine a rich snob like Y/N would do such things as fighting against this brute, but also he was proud to have her as his soulmate. Smiling to himself, he continued watching and following until the two of them went inside the Clinique safely. Still, he could not help but feel bothered about this boy, the way he looked at Y/N was feeling right to him...

Elizabeth was shocked to see Y/N in the Clinique during her day off but when her friend asked if she was not too busy to consult the boy, she shoved her thoughts away and started working. To Y/N, the boy was in a complete daze, not answering anything she or Elizabeth were asking, and his gaze fixed on Y/N, like he was in shock. Elizabeth diagnosed a simple cold and exhaustion but thought the young man's behaviour was indeed weird. At some point, he fell asleep, and two women left the room, to not disturb his slumber. Thanking her friend, Y/N then left to go home for the rest of the day.

The next day, Y/N was working at the Clinique when she thought she could check on yesterday's young patient. When she entered the room, he was staying in, he had a huge smile and looked clearly better than yesterday. His smile was almost contagious as Y/N found herself smiling back while walking towards the bed he was laying in. "how are you feeling today?" she asks him softly "M' much bette' thanks to you miss" he answered, "That is a relief. Now you would not mind answering a few questions for me?" the boy shook his head while smiling. During the little interrogation, Y/N had learned that the boy's name is Isaac and that he was indeed working at that factory she saved him from. But since boss must have noticed Isaac was not there, he might as well think he was fired. He explained slowly that he has some difficulties with money since his mother is heavily sick due to working late during the night, with that Y/N understood that his mother was sex worker and has a lot of younger siblings. The young woman felt sorry for him, especially that she basically got him fired. From then on, Y/N decided to help him and his family. Why you might ask, well simply because she hated to see people in such situations; plus, she saw him as her long lost cute younger brother.

During lunch time, Y/N talked about her idea of recruiting Isaac as a possible assistant and student. Elizabeth and her husband thought it was an excellent, especially since they were starting to need help in the Clinique. More and more patients were showing up these days, strangely enough. Once the three agreed on it, Y/N went back to Isaac, announcing the news to him and he was overjoyed: the boy could learn and work at the same time while being paid, way more than he was at the factory, and he could spend all his days with Y/N, an all win-win situation.

As time went on, Y/N spent more and more time with Isaac, much to Jacob's inner disagreement. Seeing them every day together, laughing and so physically close, enraged him a lot. Then, one fateful day when Y/N and Isaac were on their day off walking around St James Park in Westminster, both were too close for comfort, at least to Jacob. Y/N's right arm was linked around Isaac's left one. The two looked like a young married couple and Jacob hated every part of it. Deep down he wished he were standing next her, instead of the medium height male. If his eyes could kill someone, Isaac would be lying dead for a while now.

After a while, the sun started setting and Isaac decided to walk Y/N home, scared for her safety.

Once they were in front of Elizabeth's house's door, Isaac deeds her goodbye with a smile and wished her a good night, then left. As Y/N turned around to open the door, she is spooked by a figure standing next to her, a meter or so from the door. The person was standing back against the wall and arms crossed, head hanging low. For a second, Y/N thought it could have been Jacob, but she soon realized that the younger twin did not want to see her again, so she nodded her head to the stranger and was about to head when suddenly, the person decided to grab her wrist making her turn around on her heels, ready to fight back. But as the person rise their head, her eyes widened and gasped, it was Jacob right in front of her with a sad smile on his face...

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊 ||AC Syndicate|| Jacob Frye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now