13. ☬𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖊☬

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|| Omg, it's the last chapter already T-T ||

And he was right, one of Louis' bodyguards turned around, immediately noticing Evie and Y/N, alerting the whole area about them. As a reflex, Evie screamed at Y/N to run to the carriage and flea to which the girl obeyed...

A fight ensues between Evie, Jacob and the bodyguards. At first, the two assassins thought it will be a piece of cake beating those two but they were wrong, so wrong. Those men were perfectly trained and countered all of the twin's attacks. Luckily for them, those men could not lend a hit as well.

As for Y/N, she was running as fast as she could, but soon was stop by blighter. Either Jacob and Evie did not kill every single one of them, or those who were nearby heard the man's whistle from earlier. Searching for a way to defend herself, she could not find her dagger, Louis must have made sure Y/N did not have it. But she was not about to back down, she was confident in Evie's training and was ready to fight. She dodged all the guy's blows while thinking of a way to harm him, then she saw a broken beer bottle and went to grab it. but as she bent down, her corset forbidden her from going lower, 'damn this thing' she thought while clenching her teeth, trying to bent lower. But as she was struggling, the other took this opportunity and grabbed her, putting her arms behind her and locking them so she will not be able to attack him. Slowly, he made her walk towards Louis while she struggles and once in view, the man yelled: "Boss! Find the little one trying to run away" this made the fight stop while Louis walked towards Y/N with a smile. Once his back was turned towards the twins, they took advantage of it and quickly killed the bodyguards who were not paying attention. 'rookie's mistake' thought Jacob before readying himself to jump onto Louis. But Evie stopped him and whispered "Don't! They can hurt Y/N" so he stayed put.

"Nice try but you can NOT run from me" Louis said, too close to Y/N's face as she can smell his disgusting alcohol breath. Then the ex-fiancée wrapped his left arm around her neck, head-locking her, as his other free hand holds a gun. Without hesitation, Louis head-shotted the blighter, then pointed the gun near Y/N's head. Clenching her teeth once more, she grabbed his left arm with her hands but she did not struggle, she knew he could shoot her. Louis then made her walk slowly towards the boat, facing the twins while talking to them: "I suggest you drop your weapons if you don't want Y/N to die"

Evie did not wait and dropped hers, putting her hands on her head signalling that she won't try anything stupid while Jacob clenched his jaw. Seeing her brother's hesitation, Evie asked him to do what Louis said and with a huff, Jacob dropped all his weapons: the cane-sword, his kukri and brass knuckles, even the throwing knives and gun.

Happy with the sight in front of him, Louis smiled, stopping his walking movements once he knew he and Y/N were on the ship. "Thank you both. I knew you wouldn't do anything to save her, you cowards. Now Jacob, your little girlfriend is mine and you can't do anything about i-" this time, Y/N had enough. How much he annoys her, and his voice is so frustrating, gosh. Only if he could shut up. Bending as far as she can (thank you corset), she braced herself for impact and head-butted him, breaking his nose and making it bleed in the process. Stunned, Louis stumbled backwards, letting Y/N and the gun go to hold his nose with his hand, screaming in pain. Y/N was proud of her move but did not waste any time as she took the gun he dropped, pointing it towards him.

"I've had enough Louis. You talking shit about my friends, about me and just about everything. You're a waste of air and space, you don't deserve to be alive you piece of shit" hearing Y/N curse shock the twins who looked at each other with widened eyes. Evie then decided to take back all her weapons, readying herself to help Y/N. seeing Evie's actions, Jacob copied her smirking to himself. He was proud of Y/N, and happy to have discover this side of her. The twins walked towards them, standing tall to intimidate the French banker. Breathing heavily, he answered: "how dare you speak to me that way, wench! I can ruin you and all your family if I want to, you-" he tried getting up but Jacob's foot was heavy on his shoulder. "You listen to the lady when she is speaking" Jacob basically growled at him.

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