11. ☬𝕳𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐☬

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|| We are slowly getting close to the end haha! BTW, Translation are at the end! ||

Jacob walked slowly towards her, put his right hand on her shoulder and looked down at her with the same expression: "we will help you, we will find her, now tell us everything you know"

The 4 of them sat down in carriage where the mini bar is: Evie and Elizabeth got themselves a cup of tea while Jacob and Isaac were looking at each-others' eyes, anger was visible in Jacob's. after a short silence, Evie asked the young boy what has happen, a question to which he answered what he told Elizabeth earlier. Simply from this, the twins concluded that this has been done by the templars or blighters. Slowly, they started putting a plan in action to be more efficient, they were thinking about kidnapping one of the blighters and interrogate him but the more they talk, the more Evie noticed how tense Elizabeth seemed to be.

So, gently she whispered in her ear that it is going to be fine and they will find Y/N, but Elizabeth turned to Evie and looked her with a sadden expression. Evie proceeds to frown lightly, understanding that there was something Elizabeth was not telling them. Upon realizing their interaction, Jacob asked what was going on. The two turned back to the males while Elizabeth sighed: "there is something...that could change everything but I was not supposed to be the one telling you", her eyes shifted towards Jacob, looking at him, "especially you Jacob but here it goes" Elizabeth hang her head low for a few seconds, breathing deeply before looking at them once more, "Before coming to London, Y/N was supposed to marry" the revelation shocked everyone but still, she continued on...

✦•·················• 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 •·················•✦

One rainy night, Y/N could not sleep so she decided to make herself a cup of tea. As she was in the kitchen, finishing her mixture, Elizabeth entered the room and asked gently if she could make one for her as well. Y/N turned to look at her and smiled, showing her friend she would.

Putting the cup in front of Elizabeth, Y/N sat down in front of her and sighed, not looking at her friend. but Elizabeth could see something was bothering her, so she tapped her index softly on Y/N's hand, making her look at Elizabeth, signalling her that if she wanted to talk, she could, that it was safe for her to do so. Y/N smiled sadly and started talking: "I had a nightmare...about my ex-fiancée...remember when I first arrived and I told you about my situation?" Elizabeth only nodded and waited for Y/N to continue "I was dreaming that...I was looking at myself in the mirror, dressed in a wedding gown with my hair neatly done, while my mother was holding my shoulders and smiled at me. At first, I thought I was getting married to the love of my life but as I entered the church and walked down the aisle, I realized that the man who was going to be my husband was...him. I did not want to walk towards him, I wanted to run away but I could not, my father was forcing me to stay and as I got next to him, he grabbed both my hands with his. The rest went on like any wedding but once he was asked to kiss me, he got closer and smirked, instead he whispered in my ear to look around and..." Y/N paused for a moment, having to brace herself for what she was about to say, letting tears fall down her rosy cheeks "as I did, I saw everyone in the church dead: my parents...the priest, you, Evie and...Jacob and all I could do was watch as he laughed like a maniac...Oh, Eli it was horrible. I wish he never finds me; I know what he is capable of..."

"Whatever you mean by that sweety?" Elizabeth asked, worried and sad for her friend, "my mother told me how devilishly handsome and rich he was, that I needed to marry him to secure my place in society but...I heard rumours about him...when my mother said his name, I remember the conversation I overheard at a ball. One of the women said that he used to have a wife, everything was fine until she gave birth to a daughter instead of a son; after that, every time the mother and the daughter went out, they were dressed like we would in a cold winter night, and the woman had enormous bruises on her face so it was only logical to think her husband was beating her. Then suddenly, both of them were found dead...the wife had killed herself and her daughter by poisoning...If he is capable of that, imagine what he would do to me when I ridiculed him"

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