3.☬𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊☬

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|| little warning: I will describe Y/N for aesthetic purpose but feel free to change anything that does not apply to your Y/N, thanks for understanding! ||

Y/N wrapped shyly her right arm around Jacob's left arm he was offering, and with a smile, they both went out.

As they were walking at a slow pace, Jacob took some time to observe Y/N a bit more. Her black hair was tied in a bun with a few strands of hair sticking out, her brown eyes were shining in the moonlight and her cheeks were red maybe because of the chill weather. The young woman was wearing a white chemise underneath a navy-blue waistcoat with black pants and a black overskirt that was not too long; above all, she was wearing a dark blue coat. As for shoes, she decided to wear black boots with small heels, making her slightly taller than Jacob but he was not bothered, in contrary he thought it was a cute charm of hers.

Y/N was barely talking and was getting redder by the second thanks to Jacob staring at her, which he soon noticed: "Am I making you uncomfortable love?", "n-no, I am just not the type to talk a lot, especially when I don't know the person" she answers, averting her eyes from his. The man snickered before speaking again: "how does diner sounds? You must be hungry, and I want to get to know you some more" Y/N looks at him and noticed he had a kind smile; feeling like he had good intentions she accepted.

The place Jacob brought her to was not much of a distinguished restaurant but more of an inn. Y/N was not going to judge so fast, she was going to wait to taste the food to make an opinion, maybe as Jacob said it will taste much more delicious than it looks. The two sat down on a table near the window and soon enough, Jacob ordered some ale with the food. The young man laid back on his chair and crossed his arms on his chest then spoke: "So, I have never quite caught your name..." hearing his voice, she stops looking at the people walking in streets and turns her head to him, finally looking in his hazel eyes. Upon realizing the question, she pondered for a few seconds; should she tell him her real name, risking anything about the soulmate marks, or should she hide it for now? Not wanting to make him feel attached to her just because of this myth, she decided to lie, regretting it instantly: "Adélaïde, Mr. Frye".

"Adélaïde...How beautiful, just like you" he winks at her, "what are you doing here in London?" he says with a smile "You are assuming I'm not from here, sir".

"Maybe because your accent and name gave it away and please, just call me Jacob, love" she blushes, realizing that indeed her affirmation sounded stupid and rude "that is correct, from France. Let us just say I have run away from a particular unpleasant situation" after finishing her sentence, she took a sip of her pint which arrived during their little conversation "and what is this situation?" he leans in a bit closer to her with a smirk on his face, crossing his arms on the table. 'His handsome face is going to be the end of me' Y/N thought "I do not think we are close enough to be talking about this".

"So, you are proposing for us to be closer then...I would not mind" He answers with a little smile. Their conversation was cut off when the food arrived, and indeed the food does not look good. Y/N was perplexed upon seeing her plate in front of her, frowning a bit "Just taste it, I swear it taste divine" says Jacob with his mouth full. Y/N took her fork in her hand and brought the food in her mouth, taking her time to taste it. Her eyes widened once she has swallowed; the food was excellent, and the meat was cooked just how she likes it.

During the whole meal, both continued to eat while talking about everything and anything, except for more delicate matters. Y/N learned that Jacob, behind his intimidating and fearless façade, was a real softie and funny at that. 'What does this man do not have?' she thought while smiling. Once they were done, Jacob paid and off they were, walking back to Y/N's place or should I say Elizabeth's house. But walking would take too long so Jacob decided to call (steal really) a carriage that was there. The gentleman that he is, he proposed for her to get inside but she refused, wanting to ride alongside him. This made Jacob laugh lightly and accepted. Once both were on the carriage, Jacob started ordering the horses to walk.

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊 ||AC Syndicate|| Jacob Frye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now